Jetson AGX Orin PCIe C7 issue


We need to connect the Jetson AGX Orin PCIe #7 to PCIe 10G NIC, but meet a problem, please refer to the descriptions below:

  1. The connections are as below

a. We have success driver the PCIe 10G NIC on Jetson AGX Xavier platform(PCIe #0)
b. We replaced the Xavier with Orin, and try to enable PCIe #7. But PCIe #7 can’t link to 10G NIC.
c. According to the Orin datasheet, PCIe #7 should be the same as Xavier PCIe #0.

  1. The steps listed below are used to enable the Jetson AGX Orin PCIe #7
    a. modified the ODMDATA in p3701.conf.common form "gbe-uphy-config-22,hsstp-lane-map-3,nvhs-uphy-config-0,hsio-uphy-config-0,gbe0-enable-10g" to "gbe-uphy-config-0,hsstp-lane-map-3,nvhs-uphy-config-0,hsio-uphy-config-0
    b. disable mgbe in device tree tegra234-ethernet-3737-0000.dtsi
    c. enable PCIe #7 in the device tree file tegra234-p3737-pcie.dtsi
--- a/cvb/tegra234-p3737-pcie.dtsi
+++ b/cvb/tegra234-p3737-pcie.dtsi
@@ -56,4 +56,12 @@
                phy-names = "p2u-0", "p2u-1", "p2u-2", "p2u-3", "p2u-4",
                            "p2u-5", "p2u-6", "p2u-7";
+       pcie@141e0000 {
+               status = "okay";
+               num-lanes = <4>;
+               phys = <&p2u_gbe_0>, <&p2u_gbe_1>, <&p2u_gbe_2>, <&p2u_gbe_3>;
+               phy-names = "p2u-0", "p2u-1", "p2u-2", "p2u-3";
+       };

d. kernel logs
dmesg_orin_20230711.log (66.9 KB)

Hi, the issue is closed,

refer to [Preformatted text](

I need to modify the bootloader’s device tree too.

1 Like

Glad to know you found the solution.

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