Will it finally come with proper documentation and source code for all the essential bits? Or is this going to be just a higher priced iteration of the K1, X1 and X2 black boxes, which even get EOLed before anybody could fully utilise the hardware?
To me as a developer it seems a bit of too much to ask for preorder before knowing the full terms. After the last few years spent with those three SoC products, we are losing interest in the product line - not because of the feature potential - but because of the poor support and inability to utilise the advertised portions. It will take a decade to have proper and clean mainline support - not the obvious hack that L4T is, not to mention that some parts are never meant to be open (ISP anyone?), which is sad to see in case of a platform designated for image processing.
Like with TX1/TX2, we will be posting further documentation for Jetson Xavier soon, including the technical datasheet, design guides, ect. As with previous generations, we also will release the Technical Reference Manual (TRM) when it is ready, which developers can use alongside the BSP/kernel source code we provide to implement their own graphics drivers for example. Like with TX1/TX2, the TRM contains register information for the CSI / VI (ISP) units also, in addition to many other functional blocks of the SoC.
TK1 processors are guaranteed to be available through 2024 (see Jetson Product Lifecycle), and several Jetson Ecosystem Partners offer TK1 mini-modules and devkits like Toradex, e-con Systems, Colorado Engineering, SECO, and others.
They should be able to, please be sure to ask them about it in your inquiry, the distributors are able to offer the Registered Developer pricing as well.
Hi Rupert, you can pre-order through Silicon Highway, they accept the Registered Developer program.
The Registered Developer program is the discount offered for the Jetson Xavier Developer Kit.
Did you use a native HDMI monitor, or try this suggestion at the end of the thread to upgrade to the latest JetPack-L4T?
Unfortunately we are unable to refund the purchase of the TX2 unless you have initiated an RMA on the hardware.
I’m trying to get the Developer Offer. I’m in Canada, and logged in to both developer.nvidia.com and the forums. I am a registered developer. Whenever I try to move forward with the Developer Offer it throws me to a login page, and logging in there just gives me “ERROR - Something went wrong, please try again.”
I am able to get to a shopping cart with the dev kit added if I go to Buy Now instead of the Developer Offer button.
Just checked the Canada page to make sure the server wasn’t down, and I was able to get to the cart with the Developer Offer. Can you try incognito mode, clearing your browser cache, or worst case registering a new developer.nvidia.com account for this purpose? Sorry for the trouble.