When I ran the following code:
sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/jetson-io.py’,
the UI flashed,but nothing is in it.
I dont know how to fix this issue, plus: Jetpack version:4.6.1.
Anyone help?
When I ran the following code:
sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/jetson-io.py’,
the UI flashed,but nothing is in it.
Are you using custom carrier board or devkit?
Sorry, I’m not quite clear about the difference betweeen the custom carrier board and devkit. At present, I only have the TX2 board.
Sorry, I’m not quite clear about the difference betweeen the custom carrier board and devkit. At present, I only have the TX2 board.
it looks like this, https://www.arrow.com/en/products/945-82771-0000-000/nvidia
Jetson-IO it only works with development kits, that’s why we’re asked.
Yes, the development kits u mentioned above are the device I use now.
hello user71691,
I cannot repo this issue,
is there anything pop-up by using up/down to select the options?
Nope, 2 options are avaliable, “Configure for compatible hardware” and “Back”
well. when I choose the configure for compatible hardware:
But I dont have the compatible hardware, and I’d like to set the pins by manual, howevr the option "configure for manual " disappeared!
hello user71691,
it’s Jetson-IO to check the pin groups to configure the pins.
how you flash the target? could you please re-flash with native JetPack release for confirmation.
please see-also JetPack Archive | NVIDIA Developer, thanks
sry, I dont think I have enough time to reflash tx2 board, because I install too much things on it, is there any other methodS to help initialize the 40 pins in TX2?
hello user71691,
it’s mb1 cfg file for pin init configuration.
may I know what’s the actual use-case, you may use sysfs to toggle the pin.
thx for ur reply, the actual use is I2S on jetson TX, but now I cant set the pins for I2S because the 40 pins is not avaliable for manual setting
hello user71691,
please have pinmux configuration applied by the software.
you may see-also developer guide for reference, Pinmux Changes.
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