Jetson Nano all USB ports suddenly stopped working


Also, your log looks like the first boot. Do you reflash the sdcard after using Intel8265?

Could you share what power supply are you using? Do you use the usb supply or power jack?

Yes, I reflashed the SD card because I thought it might have been some changes I had made previously. When it didn’t work with the stock image, I got worried.

I have tried both the microUSB power input as well as a 5V barrel jack (with an 8A PSU), neither seem to affect the USB ports; they do not work in any case.

Don’t have access to the Jetson Nano at the moment but I will take the SD card and check for /lib/firmware/tegra21x_xusb_firmware when I get a chance. It should be whatever is in the stock image since I cannot use any HID devices to use the system.

WayneWWW, I checked the FS and as expected the /lib/firmware/tegra21x_xusb_firmware file exists, not changed since this is just the stock disk image. Have you gotten any clues as to what could be happening?

I still cannot tell what is wrong. Could you try to reflash the board or change different sdcard?

Also, please connect peripheral(HDMI monitor included) after system boots up and see if usb is up or not.

Hi, same issue here. USB ports are not working any more. switched power supplies, usb ports, sd cards → no effect. I used different images: sd-r32.1-2019-03-18-img and sd-r32.1.1-2019-05-31.img it boots until the EULA screen. I can not accept, since no user input devices are accepted. Any idea? – Some messages in the log could be relevant, but I am not sure, why there are some error messages…
jetsonnanoboot.txt (67.8 KB)


I’ve tried different SD cards to no avail. What should I do next? Can’t use the board for anything since I can’t plug in any mice nor keyboards. I’ve got an HDMI monitor that I’ve already used to display the Ubuntu set up screen but it’s just a monitor. What’s one to do?

Should I open an RMA case for my device?

Let our team investigate if there are more clues.

May I have your confirm that there is no other peripherals on your board during boot up?

Could you make sure you have 5V at usb?

in my case: only mouse and keyboard, no other devices, and I tried it with 5V 2A USB and I also used the barrel jack for power supply.

Could you try to remove uart during boot up and see if it helps?

no effect … I also booted without HDMI connected and than after 5 min I added the USB mouse and the HDMI monitor … no USB port available.

Next test, but it will take some time: I just ordered a new one, will boot it up, and than change flash cards. if this is not working I think this might be a hardware issue then …

Hi Axel,

Could you help check if the USB 5V power rail was up when this error occurred?

Hi Axel,

Please share your status once you receive the new jetson module. Thanks.


I have only a keyboard and mouse plugged in and an HDMI monitor as well. No USB devices are receiving power. Like Axel, I also tried with both 5V 2A USB and the barrel jack. Neither make a difference.


Which connector does your wifi card plug in? The M.2 key-E?


We have a script to bypass the account setting.

Could you please put this script under Linux_for_Tegra and run

sudo ./ -u <usr_name> -p password

After this step, you could flash the board again and it should not stuck on the setting. Please try to use uart to see if you can dump log then.
l4t_create_default_user.tar.gz (2.48 KB)


The new Jetson Nano worked like a charm with the new image and the “old” flash card. So this should be the proof, that the “old” Jetson Nano has some issues.
I will try now to use the flash card from the “new” one in the old one … will keep you posted
I used 5V 2A usb power supply … so everything in default

Next key finding: I switched the flash card to the old board: removed all USB ports and just plugged in the network cable. From the switch side: the port comes up

But: the lights for TX/RX on the nano stays dark. And of course no ping is working.

My guess is now:
the USB-port + the ETH port is not getting enough power for whatever reason that the come up again.

Should I return the board?

Everything is running out of the box of the new one, but I haven’t put load on it, yet …

Hi Axel,

Glad to hear the findings. Could you share the dmesg with us?

We just want to investigate this issue. After our confirmation, you could return this board.