When massflashing, use the following script
Where and how to apply it
Can I run nvmflash.sh script after executing l4t_create_default_user.sh script after entering recovery mode?
① All nanos enter recovery mode
② Execute l4t_create_default_user.sh
③ Run nvmflash.sh
Is it like this?
Thank you.
l4t_create_default_user.sh applies the change to rootfs.
The rootfs will become system.img and then flash to the board.
Thus, just need to make sure all the boards are using the same system.img.
Actually, I think you could try massflash with 2~3 nanos on your side first to understand the flow.
before I create mfi_jetson-nano-emmc.tbz2, I have to apply l4t_create_default_user.sh to rootfs?
Thank you.
I have already massflashed two nanos.
then, I met account setting.
I think that before I create a massflash blob, I have to apply l4t_create_default_user.sh to rootfs
Is it correct?
Thank you.
Yes, I think it is correct.
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I successfully complete skip the ubuntu configuration.
I’ll ask for help again.
Thank you.