We have a Jetson Nano developer kit. We set it up correctly and saw the interface. Then made the upgrades and closed jetson nano. Later day we saw an error that says " Failed to start Argus Daemon" when we started the jetson nano. We searched on net but couldnt find a solution.
hello gzelcin,
may I know which L4T release version you’re working with?
please also share the complete Argus logs for investigation,
for instance, $ sudo journalctl -b -u nvargus-daemon
hello gzelcin,
it looks nvargus-daemon cannot start due to no such file failure, (i.e. libnvargus_socketserver.so
may I know what’s the upgrade you’ve done?
please check whether these binary files were deleted by accident?
such as…
hello gzelcin,
it’s bad practice to capture display monitor,
please setting up serial console to communicate through UART for gathering the logs.
see-also How to use UART on jetson nano? Getting �������������
since it’s binary file, libnvargus_socketclient.so
were deleted by accident,
we still need to confirm what’s your steps you’ve done to reproduce such failure.
is it possible to re-flash your target?
When we first started our jetson nano card, it turned on, but we forgot to pleace the internet card, we removed it and we pleace the internet card, then we started it again, then we made a few updates and turned off the card, the next day it did not turn on, then we formatted the sd card, but it gave the same error again, although we formatted the sd card, it asks us to enter the old password when entering the jetson nano, I wonder if we need to format it too?
Can you give a little more detail about the message you wrote?
Can you also explain what re-flash is?
if this error cannot be resolved soon, we plan to return the product and buy a new one.
hello gzelcin,
all right, it’s due to you’ve format the SD cards.
you may using SDK Manager | NVIDIA Developer to download latest Jetpack-4.6.6 release version for image flashing.
or… please visit Get Started With Jetson Nano Developer Kit | NVIDIA Developer, see-also the Write Image to the microSD Card section to prepare your microSD card.
In the message you sent, we tried get started with Jetson Nano kit, we tried 2 times, we can’t do the top one, can we format the card directly, when we formatted the SD card, the data stopped.
hello gzelcin,
is it due to a corrupted or damaged SD card? please try with other card for confirmation.
Hi thanks for your help we already changed the SD card 2 times
there should be some failure logs, please re-cap the error for reference.
Hello Jerry,
I am his friend and I wanted to tell you that when we format our SD card and put back to the Jetson Nano Developer Kit, It doesn’t actually format the Jetson. It is still asking for our previous passwords. So no matter what we do with sd card Jetson nano actually stays the same and we get the same error.
Jetson Nano has its storage itself?
Are we able to full format it?
We don’t get first boot screen and I am waiting for your reply. Thank you.
Hello Jerry,
We finally solved the problem. So I downloaded VMware workstation pro and created virtual machine with ubuntu in it. Then, we downloaded SDK manager as you told us and reflashed the Jetson Nano. Finally we got the desktop opened. Thank you for helping us.<3
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