Fail to flash the microSD card

Hello, I have a problem with flashing the SD card using the etcher. I’m using Sandisk Ultra 256GB microSD card and it gives me an error of “flash failed” after validating it.
How to solve this error?

hi @user2853

Can you re-download fresh image based on your devkit variant and try to flash again. Before flashing please format your SD card. do let us know in detail if you face issue again.

Thank you

Hi user2853,

Please check below two items and flash again.

  1. Download the latest Etcher tool.
  2. Format your SD card to ext4 format before flash

I try to format my SD card to ext4 and still it gives me an error of “flash failed”

Hi user2853,

We don’t hit this issue before.
Could you try others SD card?

What can you recommend SD cards to use? Can I use a lower SD card like 64 GB?

I was able to flash the image on a 16GB SD card, however, when I inserted it into jetson nano it did not boot successfully and it gives me the error “Failed to start Network Manager”

Please find a ubuntu18.04 x64 host and use sdkmanager to flash the whole board.

Forget about flashing sdcard image.

Do you have any links or instructions regarding that? I’ll try that one

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My OS is windows, can I use VirtualBox to install the Ubuntu as my host to flash the board?

No. VM is not supported.

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