Jetson Nano Not Powering On: Device Detected but Green LED Not Lighting Up

Hi there,

I have been working over for a while trying to setting up my brand new Jetson Nano 4GB to work. I have been trying to install the OS for a while and things didn’t seem to work well, as my device isn’t showing the green light at all. However, when I connect the USB to my laptop, the SDK manager seems to identify the Nano device properly, and when I run the lsusb command, the device is shown underneath.

I tried to get the nvidia sdk jetpack and flash it my self, and it was flashed properly, giving me the following output for the following command:
sudo ./ jetson-nano-qspi sd

And I can feel heat also from the Jetson. Hence, I suppose that the thing is functioning somehow but the green light for some reason isn’t showing up

Are there any advice on how to address this?

Please answer the following questions for further check:

  1. What is your Ubuntu Version ?
  2. Is your Ubuntu running on the VM or the physical machine ?


This flash command looks totally make no sense. Where did you get such usage?

Ubuntu 18.04, Physical Machine.

The Jetson works properly, it seems like the led lamp was burnt.

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