Jetson NX with Jetpack 4.4.1 to 4.9.140-tegra-32.4.4-20201027211359

I have encountered this issue when installing the latest MIPI camera on Jetson NX. MIPI supports the latest nvidia-l4t-kernel with 4.9.140-tegra-32.4.4-20201027211359, however my Jetson NX’s latest nvida-l4t-kernel version is 32.4.4-20201027211332.

According to this thread, it seems that the minor version in Jetson Nano and that in Jetson NX is different.

I tried to upgrade/dist-upgrade my Jetson NX with jetpack 4.4.1. I did not have good luck yet.

Any suggestion that we can fix this?

Are you able to update the Image by sdkmanager?

Yes. How exactly that help with the minor version in the kernel of the Jetpack?

I think the minor version should doesn’t matter. If you have concern you can build the kernel by yourself.