Jetson orin nano booting issue

While installing CUDA on the Jetson Orin Nano board, I encountered dependency issues. After attempting to resolve the issues by uninstalling CUDA and rebooting, the screen does not appear. I checked the log records to understand the reason.
log.txt (116.9 KB)

What L4T/JetPack version do you use?
Is it a DevKit or a custom carrier board?
Have you tried re-flashing the device?

I use jetpack version 5.1.1 and a custom carrier board.
I re-flashing several times.

Is it working fine before all the CUDA things?
Are you sure the BSP is compatible with your carrier board?

It was fine before cuda work. I’m not sure about bsp.

You are giving dmesg log on your host PC, which is of completely no use.
Please just re-flash your device.

If the carrier board is made by yourself, then you should know what changes are needed.
If it’s from some third-party vendors, please contact the board vendor for the correct BSP.

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