On powering up using the given adaptor, the green LED and fan turn on and Nvidia Logo appears on the screen with options to enter boot manager. It attempts direct launch, but a black screen appears and fan turns off while the LED remains on. However, it shows messages on the serial console. The log is below.
It is repeating the same lines again and is stuck at the same point for over an hour. I am not sure if it will take this long as I remember Jetson Nano had very less booting time (even the first time). Should I reflash the SD and try? I downloaded the image from https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetpack#collapseJetsonXavierNX
Connecting to desktop shows the NVidia logo, I pressed Esc to enter boot manager and select the SD card as boot device. It shows attempting direct launch and the screen becomes black after some time.