I have Ubuntu 20.04 on my ssd in Jetson. I tried to install Nvidia drivers to use CUDA. But when i installed them, system rebooted and now its not booting. I only see L4TLauncer Attempting Direct Boot on my monitor, and that’s all. And then after 2 reboots i dont see anything on monitor.
It seems similar to the situation discussed in the forum.
You can either log in via SSH to remove the driver or directly reflash the device.
i’m so sorry, but i need some help with connection via SSH. So where i can find FAQ or help with it? Because i can’t boot Orin and check its IP, can’t open SSH on it.
Why i can’t even see my jetson connection via usb to my laptot?
Try to check your board status by using serial console.
Forget about usb connection, that thing could be checked later. USB connection is not the most reliable way to to check board status.
How can i re-flash the board of my Jetson Orin NX without using Xavier NX expansion?
Don’t know what you are talking about… what is Xavier NX “expansion”? Are you talking about a carrier board?
Yes, that’s what i’m talking about. I want to re-flash Orin without using it. How can I achieve this?
No, that is not possible. SOM itself cannot work alone. Must work with a carrier board.
Then what steps should i do to boot my Orin NX again? Do i need to buy another SSD and install image on it with SDK Manager?
For every jetson… if you want to reflash the board, you need to put the board into recovery mode first.
Once the board is in recovery mode, sdkmanager will detect it and you could start to flash.
For SSD, you need to connect it on the board and sdkmanager will flash it too.
I am not sure why you need to “buy a new SSD” when you previously already has a one to flash. It is just it cannot boot now.
19:53:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: Flash failure
19:53:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: Either the device cannot mount the NFS server on the host or a flash command has failed. Check your network setting (VPN, firewall,…) to make sure the device can mount NFS server. Debug log saved to /tmp/tmp.SvxqsOFAfi. You can access the target’s terminal through “sshpass -p root ssh root@fc00:1:1:0::2”
19:53:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: Cleaning up…
19:53:07 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [exec_command]: /bin/bash -c /home/user/.nvsdkm/replays/scripts/JetPack_6.1_Linux/NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP.sh; [error]: rpcbind: another rpcbind is already running. Aborting
19:53:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ Component Install Finished with Error ]
19:53:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [host] [ 4.18 GB used. Disk Avail on Partition /dev/nvme0n1p5: 65.28 GB ]
19:53:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP Install took 12m53s ]
19:53:07 ERROR: command error code: 11
19:53:07 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: command terminated with error
19:53:07 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: First Error: Installation failed.
There is a “EXPORT LOGS” button in your sdkmanager GUI. Click that and attach the whole zip file here.
Your copy and paste provides only partial log which does not have completed info…
20:12:28.267 - Info: Either the device cannot mount the NFS server on the host or a flash command has failed. Check your network setting (VPN, firewall,...) to make sure the device can mount NFS server. Debug log saved to /tmp/tmp.QsKw8giXOj. You can access the target's terminal through "sshpass -p root ssh root@fc00:1:1:0::2"
20:12:28.714 - Info: Cleaning up...
Please check if your host PC has anything like firewall that will make NFS server not able to mount. If there is, please disable it.
“sudo ufw disable” worked for me. SDK Manager after that successfully flashed SSD. Thanks for help!
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