we tried to flash the following official BSP/L4T OS image for R35.2.1 from Nvidia’s website for testing our Jetson AGX Orin system, downloaded from the below link:
“ Successfully installation part was done, done unable to boot the Orin board after flashing these OS images
Attached captured log screen shots also here, please check it once.
these are the steps we followed for flashing :
sudo tar xpf Jetson_Linux_R35.2.1_aarch64.tbz2
cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/
sudo tar xpf …/…/Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R35.2.1_aarch64.tbz2
cd …
sudo ./apply_binaries.sh
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1
Note: Actually we removed all usb’s (key board/mouse etc…) & camera is connected to the Jetson AGX Orin system after flashed the BSP/L4T OS image, but No change @ outcome… “ unable to boot the Orin board”
Please put the full booting log from serial console here, or we don’t know what’s going on.
Also, the latest version is 35.4.1, and is there any reason you have to use 35.2.1?
Jetson AGX Orin is not rebooting after flashing the Os image,
very few second Nvidia welcome screen appears in display then blank screen is getting with in few seconds… like that it behaves…
Again, we need log here. Something like Oh, the device cannot boot. or Why I'm getting a black screen? does not help at all.
Or you don’t know how to do that?
Also, are you using the DevKit fro NVIDIA, or a custom carrier board from a third-party vendor?
is this info ok for u , bcs after flashing the OS image we r getting this Nvidia screen very few seconds only, after that go to blank screen as shown above.
if this info is not relevant to you, then plz tell me how to get serial log file…