hello. I have Jetson TK1 board. I recovery board by using L4T R21.4 ver . it’s successfully.
and I tried to install JetPack 2.0 with host PC. (host PC is ubuntu 14.04 32bit)
I download least JetPack.
In terminal, I write chmod +x JetPack-L4T-2.0-linux-x64.run and execute ./JetPack-L4T-2.0-linux-x64.run.
it create _install folder but it isn’t run.
I can’t see JetPack L4T Installer Window.
I need advice. help me please.
64bit code cannot run in 32bit env…
Hum… then If I used hots PC with ubuntu 14.04 64bit, this problem is solved??
Yes, and you could refer Download and Install JetPack guide if you got other issue about Jetpack, http://docs.nvidia.com/jetpack-l4t/index.html#developertools/mobile/jetpack/jetpack_l4t/2.0/jetpack_l4t_install.htm
Thank you very much!!
I’ll try it.