Jetson Xavier AGX developer kit CAN BUS change clock

Hardware Platform: [Jetson Xavier AGX Xavier™ Developer Kit]
Software Version: [L4T 32.4.4]
Host Machine Version: [ Ubuntu 18.04]
SDK Manager Version: []

I’ve been trying to use the CAN bus on my Jetson Xavier AGX at 500Kb/s but the ip -details shows the bitrate at 501Kb/s.
As far as I know the issue is due to the clock source that should be modified in the DTB files of the kernel, as outlined here: Welcome — Jetson Linux<br/>Developer Guide 34.1 documentation
I would like to know whic DTB file should be modified to change the CAN clock source.
Thank you.

hello f.masuccio,

please access Xavier Series SoC Technical Reference Manual via Jetson download center for documentation.
you may refer to chapter-10 [Low-Speed I/O] for more details of CAN.