Hi all,
I´m having trubles with with launching kit template.
On Win 10 machine, from CMD witch admin privilege, I run repo.bat launch
I´m getting Acces denied error:
C:\temp\kit-app-template1062\kit-app-template-main>repo.bat launch
[ctrl+c to Exit]
? Select with arrow keys which App you would like to launch: my_company.my_usd_explorer123_streaming.kit
launching my_company.my_usd_explorer123_streaming.kit!
[09/05/24 07:45:30] ERROR error running: utils.py:264
ase\my_company.my_usd_explorer123_streaming.kit.bat, code: -1, message:
“[WinError 5] Přístup byl odepřen”
But if I run C:\temp\kit-app-template1062\kit-app-template-main_build\windows-x86_64\release\my_company.my_usd_explorer123_streaming.kit.bat , it works fine it looks line some python problem.
Well as long as you can run it. But I have to tell you that those are really long names. That could be half the problem. For example, “kit-app-template1062” … could be “template”. “my_company.my_usd_explorer123_streaming.kit.bat” could be better as “my_app.bat”
I would start over and try that. Keep it simple. Short names, no spaces, no special characters.
Hi I try tu siplify path to almost minimum but error is still the same.
c:\ka>repo.bat launch
[ctrl+c to Exit]
? Select with arrow keys which App you would like to launch: uw.kit
launching uw.kit!
[09/10/24 09:13:53] ERROR error running: C:\ka_build\windows-x86_64\release\uw.kit.bat, code: -1, utils.py:264
message: “[WinError 5] Přístup byl odepřen”
Ok let me try to find out why. Can you make sure that your whole KA folder is not write or read restricted
All files and folders have full permision for everyone. It can be prevented to run by antivirus, but it is not big issue. We can launch app manualy.
Oh good. So you are saying you can launch it manually but it is just launcher when your anti virus is on ? That makes a lot of sense.