Licensing Problem for Visual Fortran 9.0


I am trying to transport Visual Fortran to my new laptop that runs Windows 7. I have intsalled Visual Fortran 9.0 but can not seem to make the license work for Window 7 computer.

First it was giving me license error 16,287. Then I went and regisdtered all files with windows firework and now it says

Flex Net Licensing error (it would be nice if the error messages could be cut and pasted) -15,10. System Error"Winsock Connection Refused"

Can someone help?


Hi Alex,

If I remember correctly, the old FlexLM license manager that came with PVF 9.0 will not work correctly on Windows 7. Short of upgrading PVF, I’m not sure what can be done.

Please contact PGI Customer Service ( since they may have some ideas. Please send them your PGI PIN number as well as the output from the “ipconfig /all” DOS command.

Note that a list of supported OS can be found at: PGI Compilers & Tools for High Performance Computing

  • Mat