I’m running isaac headless on AWS and the python interface to create a camera with a render_product and the BasicWriter:
camera = rep.create.camera(focal_length=20)
rp = rep.create.render_product(camera, (640, 480))
writer = rep.WriterRegistry.get("BasicWriter")
with rep.trigger.on_frame(...):
with camera:
After executing this and running the scene, all the data is exported, but the image quality is horrible. It does not look blurry (i.e. caused by an out-of-focus camera), but rather blocky, so I think it’s a more general render problem (which I don’t have when using the same scene with an ActionGraph that publishes the color image on ROS2).
Hello, is this one of the first frames generated? once the application starts, there is a warm-up phase by the renderer that may produce such frames, but it should be only a few or one at the beginning.
Alternatively, this could be the effect of a denoiser that is not supported by the hardware. Are you able to get any frames of good quality? which GPU are you using?
This was the first frame that was generated in a sequence. I continued to look into the issue and got much better results after setting the RTSubFrames to 20:
Even then, some objects are partially transparent for another captured frame (e.g. you can see the palette through a box), but the result is much better now.