New IsaacSim 4.5.0 urdf importer not allowing dashes ("-") in mesh file names

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Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
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Topic Description

Detailed Description

I was trying to import my URDF, which used to work with 4.2.0, and I get a success = False when I call “success, robot_prim_path_default = omni_kit.commands.execute(
# get_articulation_root=True,
)” and some “invalid prim name” warnings about all mesh names which have a dash. Changing to _ removes the warning

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Try to import a URDF with a dash (eg “hip-yaw.stl”)

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there’s been others who ran into this issue as well; feels like it might be design as intended and not an oversight? let’s see what the devs say

Hi @AndrePatri thanks for bringing up this issue! I have confirmed with our internal team that this is a bug. Our engineers are currently looking into this.