Nividia Jetson AGX Orin commercial model deployment

Dear Nvidia Developer,
I am using the Nvidia Jetson Orin 32gb Developer Kit to run the deep learning model (I developed) during the development phase in the production environment.

Now we want to switch to the Nvidia Jetson Orin 64GB production device to run the deep learning model for images in the production environment. What configuration do I need to do with the Nivida Jetson Orin 64GB production device?
1). Can I install the same SSD card (2TB) I have put in the Nvidia Jetson Orin developer kit into the Nvidia Jetson Orin 64GB?
2). Does Nvidia Jetson Orin come with the installed operating system or do I have to install it myself?
3). What else do I need to do to get the same level of operating system environment as the Nivida Orin developer kit?

Looking forward to your answer as soon as possible.
thank you

The devkit carrier board is not suitable as end product.

See also Nvidia Jetson Orin production device vs Nividia Jetson Orin Developer Kit - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Orin - NVIDIA Developer Forums

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