I have x86 application that I’m working on, hence the needs of usage of Nsight Graphics 2021.5.1, because any latter version deprecates x86 executables.
I’m launcing the application (OpenGL compatibility mode), the injection seems to be right as I can capture frame by F11, however no matter what I do I cannot find the process via automatic connection nor the Attach after no-automatic connection. I’ve tried:
Running as admin mode, both app, Nsight and together
Setting various IPs- localhost,, (local IP)
I’ve tried running remote monitor. It stays at port 50352, but Nsight is attaching only to ports range 59152-59215. That’s weird?
I’ve tried disabling Avast firewall (although it didn’t block the application nor Nsight graphics).
I’ve tried to monitor the connection via procmon. There are numerous of TCP connection coming from Nsight, but none from the application
The application is not using a launcher- it’s straight loading the game
I’ve tried netstat -ano | findstr :59152. I have SYN_SENT. When I close the application it vanishes, so no other application is using this port
I cannot capture C++ capture without host connection
I’ve tried disabling all networks, all connections…
I’ve tried using completely different computer with RTX 2080 mobile (laptop) and it also didn’t work
Reinstalling Nsight Graphics didn’t do anything
Windows 11
RTX 3080
I cannot use Renderdoc as it doesn’t support OpenGL compat layer applications. Nsight is currently the only one I am aware of that is capable of it.
I remember I was succesfull ~years ago with Nsight Graphics on the very same application
Yes. I’m launching the app withing Nsight Graphics, but it never attach.
EDIT: It never connects. The Nsight injects into the process, because I can see overlays of Nsight Graphics, but the Nsight Graphics itself is “Attempting to connect…”
OK, do you use Frame Debug activity? Do you launch it in local machine? Can you try some x64 app with the same step and environment, will it connect smoothly? It looks Nsight’s code has injected into your app, but not sure why the connect doesn’t work.
Frame Debug Activity, yes.
I’m launching on local machine.
I’ve tried x64 application, some random game on Unity and no, it also doesn’t connect:
Preparing to launch...
Launched process: XYZ.exe (pid: 32236)
Attempting to automatically connect...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
Searching for attachable processes on localhost:59152-59215...
It doesn’t look like due to x86 and x64 support, just your app can’t connect. What’s your game’s graphics API? Could you take some try with some tiny OGL or D3D11/D3D12 app?