The only goal i want to do is to access metadata which its datatype is different from raw data from camera sensor.
I firstly use nvargus nvraw tool to test the ability of argus api to access metadata. But when i input the following command, it comes up some error.
pcai@pcai-desktop:~$ nvargus_nvraw --lps
nvargus_nvraw version 1.14.0
Number of supported sensor entries 0
Entry Source Mode Uniquename Resolution FR BitDepth Mode
Index Index Index CSI Dyn Type
pcai@pcai-desktop:~$ nvargus_nvraw --c 0 --mode 0 --file /home/pcai/wxx.nvra
nvargus_nvraw version 1.14.0
("nvargus_nvraw") Error BadParameter (0x04): Provided sensor ID (0) is out of bounds. Total number of
sensors: 0
(in capture_nvraw/src/mobile/ArgusNvRawCapture.cpp, func initialize(), line 82)
("nvargus_nvraw") Error BadParameter (0x04): Unable to initialize (propagating from capture_nvraw/src/mobile/main.cpp,
func main(), line 91)
pcai@pcai-desktop:~$ v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext -d /dev/video0
Type: Video Capture
[0]: 'RG12' (12-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB)
Size: Discrete 640x480
Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
pcai@pcai-desktop:~$ v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=640,height=480,pixelformat=RG12 --stream-mmap --set-ctrl=sensor_mode=0 --stream-count=100 -d /dev/video0
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 42.80 fps
Although my /devi/video0 can run normally, but nvargus_nvraw couldn’t recognize my sensor, and i don’t know how to locate the reason.
By the way, am I on the right track?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your guidance and advice!
I get only raw data with rawBayerOutput , and metadata with sensorPrivateMetadata. And my sensor works in continuous mode. Using this command,
The test.raw file contains 614400 bytes raw data and 2560 bytes metadata.
How these two types of data combined together?
Is there any mechanism to synchronize the two data inNvargus Nvraw Tool?