Nvidia devkit USB3.0 compliance Test on Signal Output in Tektronix

HI All we follow NV Jetson AGX compliance Test Guide
Use under command to USB3.0 comlonace Test,(phot1)
but no get USB3.0 Signal in our Test Environment
under is USB 3.0 command history (photo2)
and what mean is controller firmware hang
if you have any suggestion please tell me
Thank you

我們用NV Jetson devkit 做USB3.0 的相容性測試(下面連結)
follow Jetson AGX compliance Test Guide的流程對DUT下Command(圖一)
以下是command history (圖二)
然後想請問history中的controller firmware hang是什麼意思?

Tektronix environment:
https://www.tek.com/datasheet/usb32-type-c-transmitter-and-receiver-solutions )


This is a known issue on our side. You have to use the old usb firmware for usb3 compliance test.

Hi WayneWWW,

Thank you for your prompt support.

May I check again that you suggested using L4T R32.4.2 to do this test?
( Due to NX supports from R32.4.2.)

Thank you,

No, only need to pick up the xusb firmware from rel-32.3.1 and package it into initrd.

Hi WayneWWW,

Sorry. It’s my bad.
We actually using AGX Xavier.

Do you recommend using R32.2.1 to do this test?
or we could get old fw from any link?

Thank you,

Hi WayneWWW,

Could you address more how to do it?

Thank you,

Hi HuiW,

If you only want to verify USB hardware compliance, you can use rel-32.3.1 directly. If you want to use rel-32.4.3, I can share the method later.

Hi WayneWWW,

We will use rel-r32.3.1 first.
It would be great if you could provide the method to use rel32.4.3 as you are available.

Thank you again for your great support,

First you have to find out the location of usb firmware from rel-32.3.1 and use below commands to mount and change the usb fw in initrd. If your change takes effect, the dmesg after boot up shall give you a different version number.

  mkdir initrd;  #
  cd initrd;
  sudo gunzip -c ../l4t_initrd.img.orig | sudo  cpio -i  # the default initrd is under Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader
   sudo cp ../xusb_sil_prod_fw-new lib/firmware/tegra21x_xusb_firmware 
   sudo find . | sudo cpio --quiet -H newc -o | sudo gzip -9 -n > ../l4t_initrd.img

Hi WayneWWW,

Thank you for your update.
However, we found we had already used L4T R32.3.1 to do the USB test and still got failed as #1.

Thank you for any advice,

Could you share the dmesg?

If that is your case, then probably not the same issue as the firmware problem.


The firmware version is wrong. You have to use 60.05 fw version.

Hi WayneWWW,

Which L4T uses 60.05 fw version exactly?

Thank you,

Hi Wayne
Thanks for your help, it can be tested. But during the test, it often happens that the device is not detected. Is there any place in the software that can be setting? Also, the USB driving can be adjusted?


Please refer to the tuning guide on dlc.
