Audio2Face, USD Composer什么时候支持中文版
for mod’s convenience - the OP is asking when Composer and A2F will have Chinese version support.
是的,其他的3D软件都有中文版,不知Audio2Face, USD Composer什么时候出中文版呢?
Currently Audio2Face doesn’t have a Chinese version and we there’s no plans to support it for now.
How to connect A2F in USD Composer.
Do you have any relevant tutorials?
Can you explain what you mean by connect A2F in USD Composer a little? Do you mean seeing your final Audio2Face mesh inside Composer?
This is the official tutorial.
Create Audio2Face in Machinima.
So how should we implement this in USD Composer?
Is Audio2Face not supported in USD Composer?
Can you reply?
I want to know what the reason is?
Sorry for the late reply, it’s been long-weekend here.
You will need to export blendShape animation from Audio2Face as USD animation clip. Then mix it with the body animation using AnimGraph in Composer.
According to the method you provided, I did not implement creating A2F in Composer.
Can your tutorial be more detailed.
I’m a bit confused
Why not synchronize the A2F extension function in Machinima to Composer?
Sorry it was not clear. Basically you’d need 2 animation clips, one for body (joint animation) and the other one for face (blendShape animation (it will be much easier if you have blendShapes for tongue and teeth too))
These 2 USD animation clips can be generated in anyway you’d like. For example you could animate the body in Maya and export body animation clip as USD. And for the face animation we use Audio2Face.
After having these 2 animation clips you can apply them to your final character which should have full body skeleton + face blendShapes, basically a USD SkelRoot with skeleton and blendShapes.
And lastly you can create an AnimationGraph to mix these. Here’s a tutorial Animation Graph Overview in Omniverse USD Composer (
My process is to do body animation in Maya, facial animation in A2F, and finally combined rendering in Composer
That is definitely possible. Have you been able to export 2 USD SkelAnimations from Maya and Audio2Face?
Maya can export bone animations, and A2F can also export animations, but in the end, the connection was not successful in Composer.
Is the method you provided feasible and have you successfully tested it?
Is it convenient to provide a video tutorial.
Can you suggest to your developers to synchronize the A2F extension feature in Machinima with Composer, which would be very convenient.
USD SkelAnimations can have both joint and blendShape animation data. The trick is to get the bone animation from Maya and blendShape animation from Audio2Face and mix them in AnimGraph.
I’ll try to make a video tutorial and post here.
Okay, thank you!
Looking forward to your video tutorial.
Have you not completed the video tutorial yet?
Thanks for the reminder. Here’s the tutorial: