Optix Denoiser MacOSX execute exception

I’ve successfully integrated the optix denoiser into my raytracer on Windows 10, when I try the same code on OSX I get this exception when I call the execute function.

Error string : “Unknown error (Details: Function "RTresult _rtCommandListExecute(RTcommandlist)" caught exception: Assertion failed: "m_launching : Memory manager released while launch not active", file: /Users/umber/workspace/rel5.0-mac64-cuda90-build-Release/sw/wsapps/raytracing/rtsdk/rel5.0/src/Memory/MemoryManager.cpp, line: 998)”

Optix 5.0.1, CUDA 9.1

Machine specs :
OSX High Sierra 10.13.4
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB

NVIDIA Web Driver 387.
CUDA 387.178

What’s the configuration of the Win10 system?

Is this error depending on the window client size? That is, does it work with smaller launch sizes on that 2GB board.

I’m launching it with a 640x480 size, I create 1 x float3 buffer, 2 x float4 buffers and one uchar4 buffer which I calculate to be around 14meg in total, no real system stress.

In my command list I perform a launch2D which performs a gamma correction and a conversion from the float3 to float4 buffer, the next stage is the denoiser then finally I launch2D which colour corrects and does a simple conversion to the uchar4 buffer.

I’ve tried this on the same machine on windows 10 (dual boot mac book pro) and it works fine.

Just fixed it, it didn’t like me including the second launch within the command list.

If I remove the colour correction launch from the command list, then just launch the colour correction after the commandlist has executed, everything works fine.

I think having 2 launch2D in a command list should be valid, seems like a bug in OSX optix.