Orin nano flash failed

11:53:19 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: e:

11:53:22 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.0142 ] ERROR: failed to read rcm_state

11:53:42 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.4866 ] ERROR: va

11:53:47 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.0152 ] ERROR: failed to read rcm_state

11:56:33 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.0529 ] ERROR: failed to read rcm_state

11:56:55 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.4552 ] ERROR: val

11:56:55 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.4562 ] ERROR: value 0x31 is out of range

11:56:55 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.4562 ] ERROR: value 0x31 is out of range

11:56:55 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.4562 ] ERROR: value 0x31 is out of ran

11:58:51 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: Error: Could not stat device /dev/mmcblk0 - No such file or directory.

11:58:51 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [exec_command]: /bin/bash -c /tmp/tmp_NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP.suhyun.sh; [error]: 129883 blocks

11:58:51 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: command terminated with error

11:58:52 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: First Error: No such file or directory

11:58:52 SUMMARY: Multimedia API - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: TensorRT on Target - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: TensorRT Runtime - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: CUDA Toolkit for L4T - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: CUDA Runtime - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: CuDNN on Target - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: CuDNN Runtime - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: OpenCV - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: OpenCV Runtime - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: CuPVA Runtime - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: VPI on Target - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: VPI Runtime - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: Nsight Systems - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: Nsight Graphics - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: Gstreamer - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: DLA Compiler - target: Depends on failed component

11:58:52 SUMMARY: DateTime Target Setup - target: Depends on failed component
SDKM_logs_2024-07-29_12-00-31.zip (637.7 KB)

please help me…

Are you using VM or a Ubuntu OS host?
Are you using devkit or with custom carrier board?

i’m on ubuntu20.04, and devkit

i’m on ubuntu20.04, and devkit

help me…

SDKM_logs_2024-07-29_14-10-09.zip (971.6 KB)
it’s new problem.
14:01:05 SUMMARY: File System and OS - target_image: Install completed successfully.

14:04:50 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.4581 ] ERROR: value 0x31 is out of range

14:06:45 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: command terminated with error

14:06:45 SUMMARY: DateTime Target Setup - target: Depends on failed component

Arey you trying to flash JP6.0GA(R36.3.0) to SD card or NVMe SSD on the devkit?

There’re multiple logs in the zip file.
I cannot find this line in the logs you shared.

Originally I used an SD card, but now I am trying it with NVMe.
SDKM_logs_2024-07-29_14-37-58.zip (1.1 MB)

Originally I used an SD card, but now I am trying it with NVMe.
SDKM_logs_2024-07-29_14-37-58.zip (1.1 MB)

14:33:49.785 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS: Either the device cannot mount the NFS server on the host or a flash command has failed. Debug log saved to /tmp/tmp.tschJ6Idvl. You can access the target's terminal through "sshpass -p root ssh root@fc00:1:1:0::2" 
14:33:49.908 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_JETSON_LINUX_COMP@JETSON_ORIN_NANO_TARGETS: Cleaning up...

Please refer to the following thread to check if it could help in your case.
Flash Error (Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.0106 ] ERROR: failed to read rcm_state) - #2 by WayneWWW

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