Orin nano Kit can`t flash

I have tried to flash the orin nano kit with SD card and SSD, all failed as below, use the same dev kit carried board flash Orin nano 8g Module, its ok, its any suggestion for this issue, thanks


Please EXPORT LOGS for more information as shown in the image.


please help check, thanks
dmesg_4cpu_1018.log (82.7 KB)

請問一下在討論Orin Nano不能燒的問題你為什麼要貼一個Orin AGX的dmesg上來…

Not shure if this is the right pace to post my flashing experience with Jetson Orin Nano with older QSPI image, but want to share it, so others could probably benefit. I had issues flashing Jetson Orin Nano to mvne and to ssd with sdkmanager on ubuntu 22.04 host. Only flashing SD-Card-Image directly worked, but wanted to use mvne… After many attempts following procedure eventually solved the issue and I could flash on nvme without any error:

  1. disable firewall
  2. reboot
  3. remove ~/.nvsdk*
  4. remove /etc/export
  5. disable bluetooth
  6. start sdkmanager with all default directories (all re-downloared)
  7. select USB as connection

while the other steps were already documented in the forum they were not successful in my case. I believe that disabeling bluetooth eventually was the key step to success. Interestingly, the host once used “bluetooth internet tethering” via an iPhone. While this was not in use any more, I recognized sporadic connection losses in attempts to use the tethering connection. It seemed this has disturbed the usb connection used for flashing and installation. Hope this helps someone.

Sorry for the mistake, the right one its below
flash_1-2_0_20241219-114943.log (5.6 KB)

What kind of carrier board are you trying to flash here? Is it NV devkit or a custom board?

The flash stops in a very early stage.

it`s NV Devkit

Is there any UART log from the device when you flash the board?

don`t has this log right now

HI @rico.deng

請問用中文表達你的問題會不會好一些? 感覺你用英文回應的資訊量實在是太少.

thank for your help, has tried this still don`t work

好的 我们目前是的Orin Nano kit的烧录不成功 ,SD卡和SSD都试过,kit底板+Orin nano 8G Module烧录是正常的,怀疑Nano Orin kit配套的模块是不是坏掉了

你說沒有uart log是指它完全沒有印還是你那邊沒有線可以抓log?



orinnano-devkit-flash-fail.txt (59.7 KB)
please help check, thanks

please RMA this module.

ok thanks

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