Orin NX Thermal Transfer Plate

The developer guide (Jetson Orin NX Series — Jetson Linux Developer Guide documentation) claims the following:

The SOM that is sold to be incorporated with customer products has a Thermal Transfer Plate (TTP) that is ready to accept a customer-provided thermal solution.

The SoMs that we have received don’t seem to come with any sort of TTP, i.e. all the chips on the module are exposed. Is this a typo in the documentation?

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Orin NX Doesn’t have a TTP.

This is wrong. We will update the doc. Thanks

I have the same question. We are planning on ordering some modules soon and were looking at the thermal design guides for CFD. One question is, does the Orin NX come with a TTP like the larger AGX Orin modules do? Looking at the documentation, it appears as if the Orin NX module does indeed come with a top side TTP and a bottom side TTP, however the 3D model we received looks like there is only a TTP on the bottom side. For a completely embedded system, it is easy enough to design a solution for the top side, however the bottom side also seems to have enough heat that warrants a solution as well but this is extremely difficult considering the proximity of the module to the mpcie modules directly under in many carrier board designs.

The modules that we have received do not have any TTP on the top side nor on the bottom side. We are also trying to figure out what is necessary to make sure the bottom side of the module does not get too toasty…

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