Tegra210_Linux_R32.4.4_aarch64.tbz2 + Tegra210_Linux_R32.4.4_aarch64.tbz2 —Boot success
ubuntu-base-18.04.5-base-arm64.tar.gz + Tegra210_Linux_R32.4.4_aarch64.tbz2 —Boot failed
Please help !!!
[0000.159] [L4T TegraBoot] (version 00.00.2018.01-l4t-c536fca9)
[0000.165] Processing in cold boot mode Bootloader 2
[0000.170] A02 Bootrom Patch rev = 1023
[0000.173] Power-up reason: software reset
[0000.177] No Battery Present
[0000.179] pmic max77620 reset reason
[0000.183] pmic max77620 NVERC : 0x0
[0000.186] RamCode = 0
[0000.188] Platform has DDR4 type RAM
[0000.192] max77620 disabling SD1 Remote Sense
[0000.196] Setting DDR voltage to 1125mv
[0000.200] Serial Number of Pmic Max77663: 0x2108f6
[0000.208] Entering ramdump check
[0000.211] Get RamDumpCarveOut = 0x0
[0000.214] RamDumpCarveOut=0x0, RamDumperFlag=0xe59ff3f8
[0000.219] Last reboot was clean, booting normally!
[0000.224] Sdram initialization is successful
[0000.228] SecureOs Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00800000
[0000.234] Lp0 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff780000 Size=0x00001000
[0000.240] BpmpFw Carveout Base=0x00000000ff700000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.246] GSC1 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff600000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.251] GSC2 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff500000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.257] GSC4 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff400000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.263] GSC5 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff300000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.269] GSC3 Carveout Base=0x000000017f300000 Size=0x00d00000
[0000.285] RamDump Carveout Base=0x00000000ff280000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.291] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0
[0000.294] Nck Carveout Base=0x00000000ff080000 Size=0x00200000
[0000.300] Non secure mode, and RB not enabled.
[0000.304] Read GPT from (4:0)
[0000.434] Csd NumOfBlocks=62333952
[0000.439] Set High speed to 1
[0000.443] Error mask set in wait for cmd complete with error 0x3 in HwSdmmcWaitForCommandComple
[0000.453] Command complete wait failed with error 0x3 Interrupt 0x18001
[0000.459] Number of retries left 4
[0000.471] Using GPT Primary to query partitions
[0000.476] Loading Tboot-CPU binary
[0000.485] Verifying TBC in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.495] Bootloader load address is 0xa0000000, entry address is 0xa0000258
[0000.502] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.506] Downloaded Tboot-CPU binary to 0xa0000258
[0000.511] MAX77620_GPIO5 configured
[0000.514] CPU power rail is up
[0000.517] CPU clock enabled
[0000.521] Performing RAM repair
[0000.524] Updating A64 Warmreset Address to 0xa00002e9
[0000.529] Loading NvTbootBootloaderDTB
[0000.555] Verifying NvTbootBootloaderDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.628] Bootloader DTB Load Address: 0x83000000
[0000.633] Loading NvTbootKernelDTB
[0000.659] Verifying NvTbootKernelDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.731] Kernel DTB Load Address: 0x83100000
[0000.738] Loading cboot binary
[0000.767] Verifying EBT in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.809] Bootloader load address is 0x92c00000, entry address is 0x92c00258
[0000.816] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.820] Read PT from (2:0)
[0000.836] Using BFS PT to query partitions
[0000.840] PT: Partition NCT NOT found !
[0000.844] Warning: Find Partition via PT Failed
[0000.848] Next binary entry address: 0x92c00258
[0000.852] BoardId: 3448
[0000.857] Overriding pmu board id with proc board id
[0000.862] Display board id is not available
[0000.892] Verifying SC7EntryFw in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.948] /bpmp deleted
[0000.950] SC7EntryFw header found loaded at 0xff700000
[0001.145] OVR2 PMIC
[0001.147] Bpmp FW successfully loaded
[0001.153] WB0 init successfully at 0xff780000
[0001.157] Set NvDecSticky Bits
[0001.161] GSC2 address ff53fffc value c0edbbcc
[0001.167] GSC MC Settings done
[0001.173] TOS Image length 53680
[0001.176] Monitor size 53680
[0001.178] OS size 0
[0001.187] Secure Os AES-CMAC Verification Success!
[0001.192] TOS image cipher info: plaintext
[0001.196] Loading and Validation of Secure OS Successful
[0001.212] SC7 Entry Firmware - 0xff700000, 0x4000
[0001.216] NvTbootPackSdramParams: start.
[0001.221] NvTbootPackSdramParams: done.
[0001.225] Tegraboot started after 87471 us
[0001.229] Basic modules init took 799819 us
[0001.233] Sec Bootdevice Read Time = 12 ms, Read Size = 65 KB
[0001.239] Sec Bootdevice Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB
[0001.244] Storage Device Read Time = 124 ms, Read Size = 2241 KB
[0001.250] Storage Device Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB
[0001.255] Next stage binary read took 26282 us
[0001.260] Carveout took -37968 us
[0001.263] CPU initialization took 379418 us
[0001.267] Total time taken by TegraBoot 1167551 us
[0001.272] Starting CPU & Halting co-processor
64NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):de895fd9e
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 12:23:48, Oct 16 2020
ERROR: Error initializing runtime service trusty_fast
[0001.394] RamCode = 0
[0001.399] LPDDR4 Training: Read DT: Number of tables = 2
[0001.404] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1600000)
[0001.416] EMC Training Successful
[0001.419] 408000 not found in DVFS table
[0001.426] RamCode = 0
[0001.429] DT Write: emc-table@204000 succeeded
[0001.435] DT Write: emc-table@1600000 succeeded
[0001.439] LPDDR4 Training: Write DT: Number of tables = 2
[0001.483] Debug Init done
[0001.486] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.489] Bootloader DTB loaded at 0x83000000
[0001.494] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.497] Kernel DTB loaded at 0x83100000
[0001.501] DeviceTree Init done
[0001.513] Pinmux applied successfully
[0001.518] gicd_base: 0x50041000
[0001.521] gicc_base: 0x50042000
[0001.524] Interrupts Init done
[0001.528] Using base:0x60005090 & irq:208 for tick-timer
[0001.534] Using base:0x60005098 for delay-timer
[0001.538] platform_init_timer: DONE
[0001.542] Timer(tick) Init done
[0001.545] osc freq = 38400 khz
[0001.550] Welcome to L4T Cboot
[0001.554] Cboot Version: 00.00.2018.01-t210-4686ce50
[0001.559] calling constructors
[0001.562] initializing heap
[0001.565] initializing threads
[0001.568] initializing timers
[0001.571] creating bootstrap completion thread
[0001.575] top of bootstrap2()
[0001.578] CPU: ARM Cortex A57
[0001.581] CPU: MIDR: 0x411FD071, MPIDR: 0x80000000
[0001.586] initializing platform
[0001.593] Manufacturer: MF = 0xc2, ID MSB = 0x25
[0001.598] ID LSB = 0x36, ID-CFI len = 194 bytes
[0001.602] Macronix QSPI chip present
[0001.606] SPI device register
[0001.609] init boot device
[0001.611] allocating memory for boot device(SPI)
[0001.616] registering boot device
[0001.625] sdmmc node status = okay
[0001.628] sdcard instance = 0
[0001.631] sdcard gpio handle 0x5b
[0001.634] sdcard gpio pin 0xc9
[0001.637] sdcard gpio flags 0x0
[0001.640] vmmc-supply 0x9e
[0001.643] Instance: 0
[0001.645] Allocating memory for context
[0001.649] enabling clock
[0001.651] sd card init
[0001.654] Check card present and stable
[0001.657] Send command 0
[0001.682] Send command 3
[0001.686] Set RCA for the card
[0001.689] Query card specific data by command 9
[0001.696] Parse CSD data
[0001.698] Send command 7
[0001.708] Calling sd device register
[0001.712] Init sdcard
[0001.714] Allocating memory for boot device
[0001.718] Registering user device
[0001.731] Enable APE clock
[0001.734] Un-powergate APE partition
[0001.737] of_register: registering tegra_udc to of_hal
[0001.742] of_register: registering inv20628-driver to of_hal
[0001.748] of_register: registering ads1015-driver to of_hal
[0001.754] of_register: registering lp8557-bl-driver to of_hal
[0001.759] of_register: registering bq2419x_charger to of_hal
[0001.765] of_register: registering bq27441_fuel_gauge to of_hal
[0001.777] gpio framework initialized
[0001.780] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0001.785] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0001.791] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.796] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.802] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.807] pmic framework initialized
[0001.811] of_register: registering max77620_pmic to of_hal
[0001.816] regulator framework initialized
[0001.820] of_register: registering tps65132_bl_driver to of_hal
[0001.826] initializing target
[0001.832] gpio_driver_register: register 'tegra_gpio_driver' driver
[0001.840] board ID = D78, board SKU = 0
[0001.844] Skipping Z3!
[0001.849] fixed regulator driver initialized
[0001.866] initializing OF layer
[0001.869] NCK carveout not present
[0001.873] Skipping dts_overrides
[0001.877] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.894] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.896] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.907] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.909] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.920] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.922] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.933] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.935] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.946] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.948] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string maxim,max77620
[0001.959] max77620_init using irq 118
[0001.964] register 'maxim,max77620' pmic
[0001.968] gpio_driver_register: register 'max77620-gpio' driver
[0001.974] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.985] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.988] NCK carveout not present
[0001.998] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0002.002] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.011] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0002.015] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.019] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.023] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.029] I2C slave not started
[0002.032] I2C write failed
[0002.034] Writing offset failed
[0002.037] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.041] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.045] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.076] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-400
[0002.082] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.091] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.095] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.125] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3449-0000-400
[0002.132] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3449-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57
[0002.140] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.170] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.176] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB
[0002.184] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.190] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB
[0002.198] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 00:04:4b:e7:18:3f
[0002.204] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x00094000
[0002.217] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x70006000
[0002.232] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0002.235] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.244] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0002.248] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.253] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.257] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.262] I2C slave not started
[0002.265] I2C write failed
[0002.268] Writing offset failed
[0002.271] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.275] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.279] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.309] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-400
[0002.315] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.322] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.327] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.357] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3449-0000-400
[0002.363] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3449-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57
[0002.370] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.400] Add serial number:1422919083954 as DT property
[0002.408] Applying platform configs
[0002.415] platform-init is not present. Skipping
[0002.419] calling apps_init()
[0002.445] Found 14 GPT partitions in "sd0"
[0002.449] Proceeding to Cold Boot
[0002.452] starting app android_boot_app
[0002.456] Device state: unlocked
[0002.459] display console init
[0002.467] could not find regulator
[0002.470] hdmi cable connected
[0002.486] edid read success
[0002.504] DT entry for leds-pwm not found
[0002.508] edid read success
[0002.511] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825
[0002.516] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825
[0002.521] width = 2560, height = 1440, frequency = 241500000
[0002.527] width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148500000
[0002.533] width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648
[0002.538] width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824
[0002.544] width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026
[0002.549] width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026
[0002.555] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825
[0002.560] width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026
[0002.565] width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026
[0002.571] width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824
[0002.576] width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648
[0002.582] Best mode Width = 1920, Height = 1080, freq = 148351648
[0002.590] tmds-config node not found
[0002.594] pmc_set_io_pad_voltage: Error -2 retrieving platform-io-pad-voltagepropsetting 'avdd-s
[0002.608] setting 'vdd-1v8' regulator to 1800000 micro volts
[0002.616] could not find regulator
[0002.619] could not find regulator
[0002.623] could not find regulator
[0002.651] using default cmu settings
[0002.654] dc_hdmi_enable, starting HDMI initialisation
[0002.661] dc_hdmi_enable, HDMI initialisation complete
[0002.666] list and configure display window
[0002.674] display console init completed
[0002.686] subnode volume_up is not found !
[0002.690] subnode back is not found !
[0002.693] subnode volume_down is not found !
[0002.697] subnode menu is not found !
[0002.701] Gpio keyboard init success
[0002.747] found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy
[0002.761] decompressing blob (type 1)...
[0002.796] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=1080 type=3
[0002.849] decompressor handler not found
[0002.853] load_firmware_blob: Firmware blob loaded, entries=2
[0002.858] -------> se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: 747
[0002.863] se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: Error
[0002.867] bl_battery_charging: connected to external power supply
[0002.874] xusb is supported
[0002.880] error while finding nvidia,portmap
[0003.384] xusb blob version 0 size 124416
[0003.388] firmware size 124416
[0003.393] Firmware timestamp: 0x5da88fc3, Version: 50.25 release
[0003.401] xhci0: 64 bytes context size, 32-bit DMA
[0003.441] usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
[0003.461] uhub0: <Nvidia XHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0
[0004.111] uhub0: 9 ports with 9 removable, self powered
[0005.111] failed to get HID devices
[0005.114] failed to init xhci or no usb device attached
[0005.124] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition sd0:MSC !
[0005.131] MSC Partition not found
[0005.137] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition sd0:USP !
[0005.144] USP partition read failed!
[0005.148] blob_init: blob-partition USP header read failed
[0005.153] android_boot Unable to update recovery partition
[0005.159] kfs_getpartname: name = LNX
[0005.162] Loading kernel from LNX
[0005.261] load kernel from storage
[0005.272] decompressor handler not found
[0005.329] Successfully loaded kernel and ramdisk images
[0005.335] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=1080 type=3
[0005.832] display bmp image done
[0005.835] NCK carveout not present
[0005.838] Skipping dts_overrides
[0005.841] NCK carveout not present
[0005.851] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0005.855] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0005.864] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0005.868] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0005.872] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0005.876] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0005.882] I2C slave not started
[0005.885] I2C write failed
[0005.887] Writing offset failed
[0005.890] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0005.894] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0005.898] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0005.929] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-400
[0005.935] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0005.944] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0005.948] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0005.978] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3449-0000-400
[0005.985] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3449-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57
[0005.993] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0006.023] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0006.029] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB
[0006.037] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0006.043] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB
[0006.051] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 00:04:4b:e7:18:3f
[0006.057] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x00094000
[0006.070] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x70006000
[0006.078] Add serial number:1422919083954 as DT property
[0006.087] "bpmp" doesn't exist, creating
[0006.093] Updated bpmp info to DTB
[0006.098] Updated initrd info to DTB
[0006.101] "proc-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0006.107] Updated board info to DTB
[0006.110] "pmu-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0006.116] Updated board info to DTB
[0006.120] "display-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0006.126] Updated board info to DTB
[0006.129] "reset" doesn't exist, creating
[0006.134] Updated reset info to DTB
[0006.137] Cmdline: tegraid= ddr_die=4096M@2048M section=512M memtype=0 vpr_resize usb
[0006.176] DTB cmdline: earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x70006000
[0006.182] boot image cmdline: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115
[0006.195] Updated bootarg info to DTB
[0006.199] Adding uuid 00000001644568071400000018018200 to DT
[0006.205] Adding eks info 0 to DT
[0006.210] WARNING: Failed to pass NS DRAM ranges to TOS, err: -7
[0006.216] Updated memory info to DTB
[0006.224] set vdd_core voltage to 1075 mv
[0006.228] setting 'vdd-core' regulator to 1075000 micro volts
[0006.251] Found secure-pmc; disable BPMP
U-Boot 2016.07-g7a7e3f476e (Oct 16 2020 - 12:23:42 -0700)
Model: NVIDIA P3450-Porg
Board: NVIDIA P3450-PORG
MMC: Tegra SD/MMC: 0, Tegra SD/MMC: 1
SF: Detected MX25U3235F with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 4 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1 is current device
Scanning mmc 1:1...
Found /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
844 bytes read in 141 ms (4.9 KiB/s)
1: primary kernel
Retrieving file: /boot/initrd
5487776 bytes read in 389 ms (13.5 MiB/s)
Retrieving file: /boot/Image
34332680 bytes read in 1536 ms (21.3 MiB/s)
append: tegraid= ddr_die=4096M@2048M section=512M memtype=0 vpr_resize usb_port_owner_
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 83100000
Booting using the fdt blob at 0x83100000
reserving fdt memory region: addr=80000000 size=20000
Using Device Tree in place at 0000000083100000, end 000000008317de85
Starting kernel ...
[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[ 0.000000] Linux version 4.9.140-tegra (buildbrain@mobile-u64-4263) (gcc version 7.3.1 201800
[ 0.000000] Boot CPU: AArch64 Processor [411fd071]
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt:memory scan node memory@80000000, reg size 48,
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - 80000000 , 7ee00000
[ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - 100000000 , 7f200000
[ 0.000000] Found tegra_fbmem: 00800000@92cb4000
[ 0.000000] earlycon: uart8250 at MMIO32 0x0000000070006000 (options '')
[ 0.000000] bootconsole [uart8250] enabled
[ 1.102559] tegradc tegradc.1: dpd enable lookup fail:-19
[ 1.244287] imx219 7-0010: imx219_board_setup: error during i2c read probe (-121)
[ 1.244320] imx219 7-0010: board setup failed
[ 1.268156] imx219 8-0010: imx219_board_setup: error during i2c read probe (-121)
[ 1.268184] imx219 8-0010: board setup failed
[ 1.784571] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00007f00
[ 1.784571]
[ 1.793741] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: chroot Not tainted 4.9.140-tegra #1
[ 1.800034] Hardware name: NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit (DT)
[ 1.806061] Call trace:
[ 1.808524] [<ffffff800808bdb8>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x198
[ 1.813946] [<ffffff800808c37c>] show_stack+0x24/0x30
[ 1.819018] [<ffffff800845c7a0>] dump_stack+0x98/0xc0
[ 1.824091] [<ffffff80081c1438>] panic+0x11c/0x298
[ 1.828900] [<ffffff80080b9d34>] do_exit+0xa04/0xa08
[ 1.833884] [<ffffff80080b9dc8>] do_group_exit+0x40/0xa8
[ 1.839215] [<ffffff80080b9e50>] __wake_up_parent+0x0/0x40
[ 1.844722] [<ffffff8008083900>] el0_svc_naked+0x34/0x38
[ 1.844876] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie: link 0 down, retrying
[ 1.855558] SMP: stopping secondary CPUs
[ 1.859555] Kernel Offset: disabled
[ 1.863060] Memory Limit: none
[ 1.871385] Rebooting in 5 seconds..