I would like to power the Jetson Nano with a power bottom. I have seen in this video:
that I need to disable the AUTO ON DIS pins. But I have not read any info about those in the guide.
Does anyone know if I need to disable them , or not?
Thank you.
No! Pin 1 and pin 2 need to be connected to a momentary switch that triggers the “power on” beahvior of the Jetson when pushed. The 5V is connected to either USB in, or pins 2/4/6 of the 40-pin GPIO header, or the barrel jack (if you strap the barrel jack header, and increase the voltage to 5.3V.)
If you want to use an external power switch that turns on/off the 5V supply, then you don’t need to do anything to the Jetson; the jetson nano will, by default, boot when power comes on, and obviously stop running when power is removed. So if your external 5V power already has the power switch you want, no other changes are needed.
If the remote battery has a separate signal for “power on” that does a momentary connection when powering on, that signal should go to power switch pins 1 and 2, and the disable-auto-on should be jumpered.
I connected the +5v of the power bank to the C pin of the pushbutton (See the link above for the data sheet). The GND of the power bank to the - pin of the pushbutton.
Then, I connected the + and NO pins of the pushbutton. And, connect these to the +5v of the GPIO. Also the - pin of the pushbutton to the GND of the GPIO.
So this configuration works like: If I press the pushbutton the LED of it goes on so that meas the Jetson Nano is given power throughout +5v GPIO. When I press it again, the LED of the pushbutton goes off, so there is no power given to the Jetson Nano.
My question is, do I need to use the J40 pins for something?
I guess it would be too hard to just have plain simple sentence that states:
Plug in ON/OFF switch to pins 1 and 2
Then Jumper Pins 7 and 8
Turning something on or off is important.
What if I was making a smart saw. Then the AI glitched. It would be nice to push an On Off switch and kill the unit.
I understand that the goal is to be forever connected and not let a micro second of time laps that the device is not connected to Big Bra…
I get a little PO when you are talked down to like your a tard. I just dont want to fry my $119 rig before I get to use it.
Would it realy hurt Nividia to include the 3 cent On Off switch and jumper? How about get rid of the cardboard popup in the box and give me a GD jumper and switch? :-\
I hear you saying momentary. Does that mean that the BUTTON_POWER_ON (pin 1 of the button header) needs a negative edge to trigger, or will also trigger when it is already low and only then the whole board gets 5v?