Problem flasing Xavier NX, need help

I bought one Xavier NX module and one NX carrier board on ebay.

I was using SDK Manager on Ubuntu 18.04.6 to flash JetPack 5.1.2; In target hardware, I choose Jetson Xavier NX.

It was failed at flashing step.

I upload Export Debug logs. (227.0 KB)

Can you help me how to properly solve the errors?
Thank you so much,


sorry for the late reply.
Can you also show the log from serial console?

Is the device shown with lsusb?
Are you using a VM or a real Ubuntu PC for flashing the device?

Thanks for your response.
I’m using a real Ubuntu on intel NUC for flashing.
The device (ID 0955:7e19 NVidia Corp) is shown when Xavier NX in Force Recovery Mode.

I’ll get the log from seial cosole and upload soon.

Here is the log form serial console when Xavier NX is turned on.
capturefile (29.3 KB)

The screen show an image/logo in a short time and then reboot.

Thank you,


I need the serial console log when the device is being flashed, not when it’s powering on.

I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.
I made a record screen, Export logs, Export Debug logs, the log form serial console. (118.9 KB) (207.6 KB)
capturefile (343.7 KB)

P/S: when the device is being flashed, there is no more output in the serial console log.


can the device boot up properly without being put into force recovery mode?
Do you have other modules for testing?

Is it still the same if you manually run the flashing script like this:

sudo ./ jetson-xavier-nx-emmc internal


Device reboots automatically when it is power on.

Run “sudo ./ jetson-xavier-nx-emmc internal” → Get error: Invalid target board - jetson-xavier-nx-emmc.
If I change target board is " jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc" → Get error: Error: Either RSA key file and/or SBK key file is not provided for SBK and PKC protected target board.

This is the first time i have used the Jetson device and I have only this one.

Sorry for the typo.

Since this is a second-hand module, looks like the previous user enabled secure boot on it, so please ask him for the key, or the module is simply bricked.

I’ll ask him for the key.
Is there another method or hardware solution to unbrick this device if he doesn’t have the key?

I don’t think so.
Unless you can brute-force for the key.

Thanks for the suggestion! But I think I can not do it.

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