Problem for lunching and starting up Xavier AGX


I have problem for starting and lunching Jetson Xavier AGX. When i powered on the device and press on/off button, I got the NVIDIA logo and start up sequence which show ok status and after that it goes to black screen ith dash on left top side on screen without lunchingI treied to make factory recover and reset steps but with out sucess. Do i have to flash it again with jetpack

Kindly Looking for your support.


JetPack/SDK Manager is the way to reset an AGX. Using default flash is how you install the factory default. Do note though that some issues can result if the host PC itself is wrong. By “wrong”, as an example, if the filesystem is not a true native Linux filesystem (e.g., it is NTFS which is used by Windows), then you will get such an issue. The short explanation is that the image put on the AGX is based on one generated on the host PC, and if the host PC has an NTFS system, then permissions are lost since Windows has no concept of Linux user permissions. Other issues occur sometimes if using a VM or under some odd circumstances.

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