Problem when I used imx219 on Jetson Orin NX

Hi all,
I’m using imx219 on Jetson Orin NX.
When I use "nvgstcapture-1.0 " I got this:

And when I launch the camera twice, I got this:

Can someone tell me the reason for this problem?

hello cuimenghang,

please double check your camera hardware connections, please ensure all pins of your flex ribbon cable is connected correctly.
BTW, may I also know which Jetpack release version you’re working with.

Thanks for your reply.
I rechecked the wiring and it seems that there’s not a problem here.
Meanwhile, my Jetpack is version 5.1.1.

hello cuimenghang,

thanks for confirmation, by default there’re Rbpcv2-imx219, and Rbpcv3-imx477 supported on Orin NX platforms.

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