Hi all,
I’m using imx219 on Jetson Orin NX.
When I use "nvgstcapture-1.0 " I got this:
And when I launch the camera twice, I got this:
Can someone tell me the reason for this problem?
Hi all,
I’m using imx219 on Jetson Orin NX.
When I use "nvgstcapture-1.0 " I got this:
hello cuimenghang,
please double check your camera hardware connections, please ensure all pins of your flex ribbon cable is connected correctly.
BTW, may I also know which Jetpack release version you’re working with.
Thanks for your reply.
I rechecked the wiring and it seems that there’s not a problem here.
Meanwhile, my Jetpack is version 5.1.1.
hello cuimenghang,
thanks for confirmation, by default there’re Rbpcv2-imx219, and Rbpcv3-imx477 supported on Orin NX platforms.
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