Since I’m currently using Ubuntu 20.04, I need Ubuntu 18.04 sdk manager to get Jetpack 4.6.2 to TX2, so I decided to proceed with Docker. As a result of proceeding with sdk manager as shown in the official document, an error occurs after logging in. Check please.
If this is a TX2 you are working on, then Ubuntu 20.04 is not supported (at least not the GUI JetPack/SDK Manager; command line would likely work). You won’t find a server for TX2 flash using an Ubuntu 20.04 host PC. I can’t give advice on Docker, but that would definitely also complicate things when using it for flash. Note that the TX2 itself will only be flashed up to Ubuntu 18.04.
Yes, I understand that you tried to install SDK 18.04 on my host PC running Ubuntu 20.04 in order to port TX2, but I encountered the same problem. Then I attempted the same approach (using Docker SDK 18.04) on Ubuntu 18.04, but I’m facing the same issue. I’m looking for a way to port TX2 using Docker SDK Manager on Ubuntu 20.04 (at least to establish a connection).
Someone else may know how to use Docker for the host PC, but I have no experience with that.
I had this issue too when trying to install an archived version of Jetpack (4.5.0). If you try to download the SDK manager by accessing the download from within the archived version of Jetpack, it downloads an old version of the SDK manager that had this bug. I got it to work by uninstalling the SDK manager, and installing the SDK manager from the default, most recent Jetpack version (5.1.1) . Once the SDK manager is properly installed, you can still select/install an older Jetpack version.
I think @lizolson might be onto something. FYI, if a newer JetPack is used, then you can also start it like this to see some older versions, although I don’t know what might happen for crossing a 4.x and 5.x release:
sdkmanager --archivedversions
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