Problem with SdkManager flash XavierNX

Thanks Colin.

I am observing an issue with flashing the NX devkit board;
it progresses up to 99.8%
in the logs I can see only one errors

│info: creating dummy /home/nvidia/Downloads/nvidia/installation_nx/JetPack_4.4_DP_Linux_DP_JETSON_XAVIER_NX/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/badpage.bin                                                  │
│error: 1+0 records in 

attempted with

 sudo sdkmanager --cli install --user user@user --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version DP_4.4 --targetos Linux --target P3668-0001 --flash all --targetimagefolder /home/nvidia/Downloads/nvidia/installation_nx --downloadfolder /home/nvidia/Downloads/nvidia

probably I should have used P3668-0000 instead? Upd: with the tail 0000 it worked

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