Strange Boot Issue on Xavier NX After Changing SD Card

I encountered an interesting issue with my two Xavier NX boards. After swapping the SD card, they no longer boot. When checking the logs via UART, I see an error similar to:

[0012.347] E> Cannot find partition kernel-bootctrl_b

I used an SD card reader to inspect the partitions and confirmed that the kernel-bootctrl_b partition is indeed missing.

To investigate further, I used a Jetson Nano with an SD card reader and chroot to check the root filesystem. I found that the JetPack version on the original SD card is 5.0.2, but even after flashing the exact same JetPack 5.0.2 image onto a new SD card, the board still won’t boot, and the kernel-bootctrl_b partition is missing.

Through additional testing, I discovered that JetPack 5.0.2 and 5.1.4 both lack the kernel-bootctrl_b partition and do not boot, whereas JetPack 4.6.1 boots fine and does contain the kernel-bootctrl_b partition.

I also tried copying the APP partition from my original SD card (which had JetPack 5.0.2) onto the APP partition of a JetPack 4.6.1 SD card, but it still wouldn’t boot.

So my questions are:

  • Could there be differences between the two Xavier NX boards that affect compatibility?
  • How can I get the latest JetPack version to work on these boards?

If anyone has insights, I’d really appreciate your help. Thanks!

SPE VERSION #: R01.00.14 Created: Sep 19 2018 @ 11:03:21
HW Function test
Start Scheduler.
in late init
?[0000.370] I> Welcome to MB2(TBoot-BPMP) (version: 00.00.2018.32-mobile-6fc80c72)
[0000.371] I> DMA Heap @ [0x526fa000 - 0x52ffa000]
[0000.372] I> Default Heap @ [0xd486400 - 0xd48a400]
[0000.372] E> DEVICE_PROD: Invalid value data = 70020000, size = 0.
[0000.378] W> device prod register failed
[0000.382] I> gpio framework initialized
[0000.386] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio' driver
[0000.393] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio-aon' driver
[0000.401] I> sdcard_params [0, 55, 0, 50] in mb1_bct
[0000.406] I> Boot-device: QSPI
[0000.408] I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
[0000.414] I> QSPI Flash Size = 32 MB
[0000.419] I> Qspi initialized successfully
[0000.420] I> qspi flash-0 params source = boot args
[0000.425] I> Found sdcard
[0000.591] I> sdmmc SDR mode
[0000.605] I> sdcard-0 params source = mb1 bct
[0000.609] I> Found 47 partitions in QSPI_FLASH (instance 0)
[0000.623] I> Found 19 partitions in SDCARD (instance 0)
[0000.624] I> Active Boot chain : 0
[0000.625] I> parsing oem signed section of bpmp-fw header done
[0000.626] I> bpmp-fw binary init read from storage
[0000.627] I> oem authentication of bpmp-fw header done
[0000.639] I> bpmp-fw binary done read from storage
[0000.640] I> bpmp-fw: Authentication init Done
[0000.640] I> parsing oem signed section of cpubl header done
[0000.641] I> cpubl binary init read from storage
[0000.642] I> bpmp-fw: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.645] I> oem authentication of cpubl header done
[0000.653] I> cpubl binary done read from storage
[0000.654] I> cpubl: Authentication init Done
[0000.659] I> parsing oem signed section of rce header done
[0000.664] I> rce binary init read from storage
[0000.668] I> Relocating BR-BCT
[0000.671] I> cpubl: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.676] I> oem authentication of rce header done
[0000.680] I> rce binary done read from storage
[0000.684] I> rce: Authentication init Done
[0000.689] I> parsing oem signed section of ape header done
[0000.694] I> ape binary init read from storage
[0000.698] I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.702] I> oem authentication of ape header done
[0000.707] I> ape binary done read from storage
[0000.711] I> ape: Authentication init Done
[0000.716] I> parsing oem signed section of tos header done
[0000.721] I> tos binary init read from storage
[0000.725] I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.730] I> oem authentication of tos header done
[0000.736] I> tos binary done read from storage
[0000.738] I> tos: Authentication init Done
[0000.742] I> parsing oem signed section of bpmp-fw-dtb header done
[0000.748] I> bpmp-fw-dtb binary init read from storage
[0000.753] I> tos: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.759] I> oem authentication of bpmp-fw-dtb header done
[0000.765] I> bpmp-fw-dtb binary done read from storage
[0000.768] I> bpmp-fw-dtb: Authentication init Done
[0000.773] I> parsing oem signed section of cpubl-dtb header done
[0000.778] I> cpubl-dtb binary init read from storage
[0000.783] I> bpmp-fw-dtb: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.873] I> oem authentication of cpubl-dtb header done
[0000.874] I> cpubl-dtb binary done read from storage
[0000.874] I> cpubl-dtb: Authentication init Done
[0000.875] I> parsing oem signed section of eks header done
[0000.876] I> eks binary init read from storage
[0000.876] I> cpubl-dtb: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.877] I> oem authentication of eks header done
[0000.882] I> eks binary done read from storage
[0000.886] I> eks: Authentication init Done
[0000.890] I> eks: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.894] I> EKB detected (length: 0x410) @ VA:0x52700400
誏OTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):b5eeb33
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 02:21:00, Apr 17 2022
ipc-unittest-main: 1519: Welcome to IPC unittest!!!
ipc-unittest-main: 1531: waiting forever
ipc-unittest-srv: 329: Init unittest services!!!
hwkey-agent: 41: hwkey-agent is running!!
hwkey-agent: 347: key_mgnt_processing .......
hwkey-agent: 255: Setting EKB key 0 to slot 14
hwkey-agent: 178: Init hweky-agent services!!
luks-srv: 40: luks-srv is running!!
luks-srv: 157: Init luks-srv IPC services!!
platform_bootstrap_epilog: trusty bootstrap complete
welcome to lk
calling constructors
initializing heap
creating bootstrap completion thread
top of bootstrap2()
initializing platform
bpmp: platform_init
tag is e73a758761f0c6d24a1e69a2ac6b5035
tag_show initialized
dt initialized
mail initialized
chipid initialized
fuse initialized
sku initialized
speedo initialized
ec_get_ec_list: found 45 ecs
ec initialized
ec_mrq initialized
vmon_populate_monitors: found 3 monitors
vmon initialized
adc initialized
fmon_populate_monitors: found 73 monitors
fmon initialized
fmon_mrq initialized
reset initialized
nvhs initialized
391 clocks registered
clk_mrq_init: mrq handler registered
clk initialized
nvlink initialized
io_dpd initialized
io_dpd initialized
thermal initialized
i2c5 controller initialized
initialized i2c mrq handling
i2c initialized
regulator initialized
avfs_clk_platform_init: bad clk id in clock@cluster1_avfs
avfs_clk_platform initialized
soctherm initialized
aotag initialized
powergate initialized
dvs initialized
pm initialized
pg_late initialized
strap initialized
tag initialized
emc initialized
clk_dt initialized
avfs_ccplex_platform initialized
tj_max: dt node not found
tj_init initialized
uphy_mrq_init: mrq handler registered
uphy_dt initialized
uphy initialized
safereg_init: period 80 ms
ec_late initialized
?[0001.256] I> Welcome to Cboot滵rq initialized
WARNING: no registered clock for FMON_NAFLL_CLUSTER1 (id 281)
fmon_post initialized
[0001.257] I> Cboot Version: t194-38d30025
[0001.258] I> CPU-BL Params @ 0xf2820000
[0001.262] I>  0) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.266] I>  1) Base:0xf1100000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.271] I>  2) Base:0xf2000000 Size:0x00200000
[0001.275] I>  3) Base:0xf1200000 Size:0x00200000
歊lk_set_parent failed for clk i2c2, parent pll_aon (-22)
clk_set_parent failed for clk i2c8, parent pll_aon (-22)
clk_dt_late initialized
machine_check initialized
pm_post initialized
dbells initialized
avfs_clk_platform_post initialized
dmce initialized
cvc initialized
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster0: not monitored
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster2: not monitored
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster3: not monitored
avfs_clk_mach_post initialized
regulator_post initialized
rm initialized
sc7_diag initialized
thermal_test initialized
serial_late initialized
clk_post initialized
clk_dt_post initialized
mc_reg initialized
pg_post initialized
dyn_modules initialized
sku_debugfs initialized
speedo_debugfs initialized
adc_debugfs initialized
Failed to register PTO counter for id 281
Failed to register PTO counter for id 281
Failed to register PTO counter for id 281
Failed to register PTO counter for id 281
clk_debugfs initialized
emc_debugfs initialized
dvs_debugfs initialized
fmon_debugfs_init_one: no clock debugfs node to attach FMON_NAFLL_CLUSTER1
fmon_debugfs initialized
vmon_debugfs initialized
pg_debugfs initialized
profile_fs initialized
debugfs_cons initialized
mail_fs initialized
profile initialized
cvc_debugfs initialized
dmce_debugfs initialized
ec_debugfs initialized
rm_rail_debugfs_init: /rm/vdd_cpu: failed
rm_rail_debugfs_init: /rm/vdd_cpu: failed
rm_debugfs initialized
soctherm_debug initialized
gr_reader initialized
mods initialized
dt_fs initialized
debugfs_mrq initialized
debug_mrq initialized
debug_safereg initialized
initializing target
calling apps_init()
starting app shell
entering main console loop
] 墁0001.280] I>  4) Base:0xf1000000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.434] I>  5) Base:0xf0f00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.438] I>  6) Base:0xf3800000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.443] I>  7) Base:0xf1c00000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.447] I>  8) Base:0xf0e00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.452] I>  9) Base:0xf0d00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.456] I> 10) Base:0xf3000000 Size:0x00800000
[0001.461] I> 11) Base:0x40000000 Size:0x00040000
[0001.465] I> 12) Base:0xf0c00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.470] I> 13) Base:0x40046000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.474] I> 14) Base:0x40048000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.478] I> 15) Base:0xac000000 Size:0x00004000
[0001.483] I> 16) Base:0x4004a000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.487] I> 17) Base:0xf0b00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.492] I> 18) Base:0x4004c000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.496] I> 19) Base:0xf2200000 Size:0x00600000
[0001.501] I> 20) Base:0x4004e000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.505] I> 21) Base:0xf0ad0000 Size:0x0000c000
[0001.510] I> 22) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.514] I> 23) Base:0xf0ae0000 Size:0x00020000
[0001.519] I> 24) Base:0xf6000000 Size:0x02000000
[0001.523] I> 25) Base:0x40050000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.528] I> 26) Base:0x40040000 Size:0x00006000
[0001.532] I> 27) Base:0xf1800000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.536] I> 28) Base:0xf4c00000 Size:0x01400000
[0001.541] I> 29) Base:0xf1400000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.545] I> 30) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.550] I> 31) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.554] I> 32) Base:0xf8000000 Size:0x08000000
[0001.559] I> 33) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.563] I> 34) Base:0xf3c00000 Size:0x01000000
[0001.568] I> 35) Base:0xab000000 Size:0x01000000
[0001.572] I> 36) Base:0xa0000000 Size:0x0b000000
[0001.577] I> 37) Base:0xf2800000 Size:0x00800000
[0001.581] I> 38) Base:0x80000000 Size:0x20000000
[0001.586] I> 39) Base:0xb0000000 Size:0x08000000
[0001.590] I> 40) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.594] I> 41) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.599] I> 42) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.603] I> 43) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.608] I> 44) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.612] I> 45) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.617] GIC-SPI Target CPU: 0
[0001.620] Interrupts Init done
[0001.623] calling constructors
[0001.626] initializing heap
[0001.628] I> Heap: [0xa069ab80 ... 0xab000000]
[0001.632] initializing threads
[0001.635] initializing timers
[0001.638] creating bootstrap completion thread
[0001.642] top of bootstrap2()
[0001.645] CPU: MIDR: 0x4E0F0040, MPIDR: 0x80000000
[0001.650] initializing platform
[0001.653] E> DEVICE_PROD: Invalid value data = 0, size = 0.
[0001.658] W> device prod register failed
[0001.662] I> Bl_dtb @0xaaf00000
[0001.667] W> "plugin-manager" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.670] W> "ids" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.674] W> "connection" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.678] W> "configs" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.689] E> failed to read label property for node 158736: 13
[0001.690] E> failed to read reg property for node 158800: 13
[0001.695] E> failed to read reg property for node 158852: 13
[0001.701] E> failed to read reg property for node 158936: 13
[0001.707] I> Find /i2c@3160000's alias i2c0
[0001.709] I> Reading eeprom i2c=0 address=0x50
[0001.739] I> Device at /i2c@3160000:0x50
[0001.739] I> Reading eeprom i2c=0 address=0x57
[0001.763] I> Device at /i2c@3160000:0x57
[0001.764] I> Find /i2c@c240000's alias i2c1
[0001.765] I> Reading eeprom i2c=1 address=0x50
[0001.767] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.767] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a0 with repeat start true.
[0001.768] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.768] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa0 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.777] E> eeprom: Retry to read I2C slave device.
[0001.782] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.786] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a0 with repeat start true.
[0001.794] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.800] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa0 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.809] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.814] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.818] I> create_pm_ids: id: 3668-0000-200-H, len: 15
[0001.823] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0001.834] I> create_pm_ids: id: 3509-0000-100-F, len: 15
[0001.839] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0001.850] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/3668-0000-200=/i2c@3160000:module@0x50
[0001.858] W> "i2c@3160000" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.862] W> "module@0x50" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.867] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/3509-0000-100=/i2c@3160000:module@0x57
[0001.874] W> "module@0x57" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.879] I> Adding plugin-manager/cvm
[0001.882] W> "chip-id" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.886] I> Adding plugin-manager/chip-id/A02P
[0001.891] I> Plugin-manager override starting
[0001.895] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-pcie-c5-rp matches
[0001.903] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-tegra-wdt-en matches
[0001.909] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-tegra-sdhci-emmc-dis matches
[0001.915] I> Disable plugin-manager status in FDT
[0001.917] I> Plugin-manager override finished successfully
[0001.923] I> gpio framework initialized
[0001.927] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio' driver
[0001.934] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio-aon' driver
[0001.941] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 1, slave addr: 0x46
[0001.948] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible ti,tca9539
[0001.956] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible nxp,tca9539
[0001.963] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt
[0001.969] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 1, slave addr: 0x44
[0001.976] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible ti,tca9539
[0001.984] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible nxp,tca9539
[0001.991] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt
[0001.998] I> fixed regulator driver initialized
[0002.005] I> register 'maxim' power off handle
[0002.006] I> virtual i2c enabled
[0002.009] I> registered 'maxim,max20024' pmic
[0002.013] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'max20024-gpio' driver
[0002.020] I> Boot-device: QSPI
[0002.023] I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
[0002.028] I> QSPI source rate = 204000 Khz
[0002.031] I> Requested rate for QSPI clock = 34000 Khz
[0002.036] I> BPMP-set rate for QSPI clk = 34000 Khz
[0002.041] I> QSPI Flash Size = 32 MB
[0002.049] I> Qspi initialized successfully
[0002.049] I> qspi flash-0 params source = boot args
[0002.053] I> create_pm_ids: id: 3668-0000-200-H, len: 15
[0002.058] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0002.069] I> create_pm_ids: id: 3509-0000-100-F, len: 15
[0002.074] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0002.085] I> Found sdcard
[0002.089] I> enabling 'vdd-sdmmc1-sw' regulator
[0002.094] I> regulator 'vdd-sdmmc1-sw' already enabled
[0002.132] I> sdmmc SDR mode
[0002.146] I> sdcard-0 params source = DT-BL
[0002.147] I> Found 47 partitions in QSPI_FLASH (instance 0)
[0002.157] I> Found 19 partitions in SDCARD (instance 0)
[0002.163] I> regulator 'vdd-hdmi-5v0' already enabled
[0002.166] I> regulator 'vdd-hdmi-5v0' already enabled
[0002.166] I> hdmi cable connected
[0002.167] W> set volts not configured for 'vdd-1v0'
[0002.168] W> set volts not configured for 'vdd-1v8-hs'
[0002.169] I> retrieved tmds range from prod_list_hdmi_soc
[0002.171] E> invalid display type
[0002.172] E> cannot find any other nvdisp nodes
[0002.188] I> edid read success
[0002.201] I> edid read success
[0002.201] I> width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825
[0002.201] I> width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74250000
[0002.202] I> width = 1280, height = 768, frequency = 79500000
[0002.202] I> width = 1360, height = 768, frequency = 85500000
[0002.203] I> width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026
[0002.207] I> width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026
[0002.213] I> width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824
[0002.218] I> width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824
[0002.224] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648
[0002.230] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648
[0002.236] I> width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026
[0002.241] I> width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026
[0002.247] I> width = 3840, height = 2160, frequency = 296703296
[0002.252] I> width = 3840, height = 2160, frequency = 296703296
[0002.258] I> width = 3840, height = 2160, frequency = 296703296
[0002.264] I> width = 3840, height = 2160, frequency = 296703296
[0002.270] I> width = 4096, height = 2160, frequency = 296703296
[0002.275] I> Best mode Width = 1920, Height = 1080, freq = 148351648
[0002.285] I> hdmi_enable, starting HDMI initialisation
[0002.291] I> hdmi_enable, HDMI initialisation complete
[0002.301] I> Load in CBoot Boot Options partition and parse it
[0002.302] E> Error -9 when finding node with path /boot-configuration
[0002.304] E> tegrabl_cbo_parse_info: "boot-configuration" not found in CBO file.
[0002.311] I> Using default boot order
[0002.314] I> boot-dev-order :-
[0002.317] I>
[0002.319] I> 2.usb
[0002.321] I> 3.nvme
[0002.323] I> 4.emmc
[0002.325] I>
[0002.327] I> Hit any key to stop autoboot:	4	3	2	1
[0004.334] initializing target
[0004.334] calling apps_init()
[0004.335] starting app kernel_boot_app
[0004.341] I> found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy
[0004.341] I> decompressing BMP blob ...
[0004.345] I> Kernel type = Normal
[0004.345] I> ########## SD (0) boot ##########
[0004.345] I> Found sdcard
[0004.347] I> regulator 'vdd-sdmmc1-sw' already enabled
[0004.349] I> regulator 'vdd-sdmmc1-sw' already enabled
[0004.385] I> sdmmc SDR mode
[0004.399] I> sdcard-0 params source = DT-BL
[0004.399] I> Already published: 00060000
[0004.399] I> Look for boot partition
[0004.400] I> Fallback: assuming 0th partition is boot partition
[0004.400] I> Detect filesystem
[0004.422] I> Loading kernel-bootctrl from partition
[0004.423] E> Cannot find partition kernel-bootctrl
[0004.423] E> Cannot open partition kernel-bootctrl
[0004.423] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: failed to read primary bootctrl data
[0004.424] I> Loading kernel-bootctrl_b from partition
[0004.424] E> Cannot find partition kernel-bootctrl_b
[0004.428] E> Cannot open partition kernel-bootctrl_b
[0004.433] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: failed to read recovery bootctrl data
[0004.440] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: use default dummy boot control data
[0004.447] I> Loading extlinux.conf ...
[0004.451] I> Loading extlinux.conf binary from rootfs ...
[0004.456] I> rootfs path: /sd/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
[0004.494] I> ext4_read_data_from_extent:298: Total file read should not be larger than file stat size
[0004.495] E> file /sd/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf read failed!!
[0004.495] W> Failed to load extlinux.conf binary from rootfs (err=202113305)
[0004.496] E> Failed to find/load /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
[0004.497] I> Loading kernel ...
[0004.500] I> No kernel binary path
[0004.503] I> Continue to load from partition ...
[0004.507] I> A/B: bin_type (37) slot 0
[0004.511] I> Loading kernel from partition
[0004.515] I> Loading partition kernel at 0xa4ad0000 from device(0x6)
[0007.972] I> Validate kernel ...
[0007.972] I> T19x: Authenticate kernel (bin_type: 37), max size 0x5000000
[0007.973] E> Stage2Signature validation failed with SHA2!!
[0007.973] C> OEM authentication of kernel header failed!
[0007.974] E> Failed to validate kernel binary from partition (err=1077936152)
[0007.974] I> Checking boot.img header magic ... [0007.979] I> [OK]
[0007.980] E> Header size fields (0x000000000281b3a3) is greater than actual binary or buffer size (0x00000000)
[0007.990] E> Failed to load kernel, abort booting.
[0007.995] E> Failed extlinux boot.
[0007.998] E> SD boot failed, err: 724238594
[0008.002] I> ########## USB (0) boot ##########
[0008.023] I> Validate XUSB-FW ...
[0008.023] I> T19x: Authenticate XUSB-FW (bin_type: 11), max size 0x30000
[0008.025] I> Encryption fuse is not ON
[0008.025] I> USB Firmware Version: 60.09 release
[0008.080] I> regulator of usb2-0 already enabled
[0008.083] I> regulator of usb2-1 already enabled
[0008.087] I> regulator of usb2-2 already enabled
[0009.153] I> USB 2.0 port 2 new high-speed USB device detected
[0009.155] W> WARNING: event and command not matching, cmd_trb_ptr = 0xa4abfd00, cmd_ring.dma = 0xa4abfdc0
[0009.255] I> Start to enumerate device
[0009.257] W> WARNING: event and command not matching, cmd_trb_ptr = 0xa4abfd00, cmd_ring.dma = 0xa4abfdc0
[0009.267] I> 
[0009.267] I> Enumerated USB Device 0bda:5489
[0009.267] I> 
[0009.269] I> Hub:
[0009.269] I> 	Downstream ports        : 4
[0009.270] I> 	Power switching         : Ganged
[0009.270] I> 	Compound device         : No
[0009.270] I> 	Over-current protection : Global
[0009.271] I> 	Hub avg delay           : 4 ns
[0009.273] I> Set interface = 1 (alt setting)
[0009.278] I> Enable hub ports
[0010.304] E> No device found on any of the hub ports
[0010.305] E> failed to start xhci controller
[0010.305] E> Error in init of XUSB host driver, err: 7979000d
[0010.305] W> Failed to initialize device 5-0
[0010.306] E> USB boot failed, err: 2037973005
[0010.306] I> ########## NVME (0) boot ##########
[0010.306] I> Initializing nvme device instance 0
[0010.311] I> Initializing nvme controller
[0010.315] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14180000
[0010.321] I> vpcie3v3-supply not found
[0010.325] I> vpcie12v-supply not found
[0010.328] W> Failed to get nvidia,plat-gpios
[0010.332] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_preinit: (0):
[0010.336] I> Unpowergate
[0010.339] I> tegrabl_car_clk_disable(0) ...
[0010.343] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(CORE, 0) ...
[0010.347] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(APB, 0) ...
[0010.351] I> tegrabl_car_clk_enable(0) ...
[0010.355] I> tegrabl_car_rst_clear(APB, 0) ...
[0010.359] I> tegrabl_set_ctrl_state(0)
[0010.363] I> CLR PCIE_APB:6
[0010.366] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_init: (0):
[0010.369] I> APPL initialization ...
[0010.373] I> poweron phys
[0010.375] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14180000
[0010.382] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: controller 0 not available
[0010.387] E> Failed to power on phy on controller-0
[0010.392] I> PCIe (0) Link is not UP
[0010.396] W> Failed tegrabl_pcie_soc_init(), error=0x1
[0010.400] I> Failed to initialize SoC Host PCIe controller
[0010.406] E> tegrabl_nvme_init: Failed tegrabl_pcie_init(0); error=0x1
[0010.412] W> tegrabl_nvme_bdev_open: Failed NVME INIT; error=0x80800601
[0010.419] W> Failed to open NVME-0, err = 80800601
[0010.423] W> Failed to initialize device 10-0
[0010.427] E> NVME (0) boot failed, err: 0x80800601
[0010.432] I> ########## NVME (1) boot ##########
[0010.436] I> Initializing nvme device instance 1
[0010.441] I> Initializing nvme controller
[0010.445] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14100000
[0010.451] I> vpcie3v3-supply not found
[0010.455] I> vpcie12v-supply not found
[0010.458] W> Failed to get nvidia,plat-gpios
[0010.462] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_preinit: (1):
[0010.466] I> Unpowergate
[0010.469] I> tegrabl_car_clk_disable(1) ...
[0010.473] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(CORE, 1) ...
[0010.477] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(APB, 1) ...
[0010.481] I> tegrabl_car_clk_enable(1) ...
[0010.485] I> tegrabl_car_rst_clear(APB, 1) ...
[0010.489] I> tegrabl_set_ctrl_state(1)
[0010.493] I> CLR PCIE_APB:6
[0010.496] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_init: (1):
[0010.499] I> APPL initialization ...
[0010.503] I> poweron phys
[0010.505] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14100000
[0010.512] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: controller 1 not available
[0010.517] E> Failed to power on phy on controller-1
[0010.522] I> PCIe (1) Link is not UP
[0010.526] W> Failed tegrabl_pcie_soc_init(), error=0x1
[0010.530] I> Failed to initialize SoC Host PCIe controller
[0010.536] E> tegrabl_nvme_init: Failed tegrabl_pcie_init(1); error=0x1
[0010.542] W> tegrabl_nvme_bdev_open: Failed NVME INIT; error=0x80800601
[0010.549] W> Failed to open NVME-1, err = 80800601
[0010.553] W> Failed to initialize device 10-1
[0010.557] E> NVME (1) boot failed, err: 0x80800601
[0010.562] I> ########## NVME (2) boot ##########
[0010.567] I> Initializing nvme device instance 2
[0010.571] I> Initializing nvme controller
[0010.575] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14120000
[0010.581] I> vpcie3v3-supply not found
[0010.585] I> vpcie12v-supply not found
[0010.588] W> Failed to get nvidia,plat-gpios
[0010.592] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_preinit: (2):
[0010.597] I> Unpowergate
[0010.599] I> tegrabl_car_clk_disable(2) ...
[0010.603] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(CORE, 2) ...
[0010.607] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(APB, 2) ...
[0010.611] I> tegrabl_car_clk_enable(2) ...
[0010.615] I> tegrabl_car_rst_clear(APB, 2) ...
[0010.620] I> tegrabl_set_ctrl_state(2)
[0010.623] I> CLR PCIE_APB:6
[0010.626] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_init: (2):
[0010.629] I> APPL initialization ...
[0010.633] I> poweron phys
[0010.636] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14120000
[0010.642] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: controller 2 not available
[0010.647] E> Failed to power on phy on controller-2
[0010.652] I> PCIe (2) Link is not UP
[0010.656] W> Failed tegrabl_pcie_soc_init(), error=0x1
[0010.660] I> Failed to initialize SoC Host PCIe controller
[0010.666] E> tegrabl_nvme_init: Failed tegrabl_pcie_init(2); error=0x1
[0010.672] W> tegrabl_nvme_bdev_open: Failed NVME INIT; error=0x80800601
[0010.679] W> Failed to open NVME-2, err = 80800601
[0010.683] W> Failed to initialize device 10-2
[0010.687] E> NVME (2) boot failed, err: 0x80800601
[0010.692] I> ########## NVME (3) boot ##########
[0010.697] I> Initializing nvme device instance 3
[0010.701] I> Initializing nvme controller
[0010.705] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14140000
[0010.711] I> vpcie3v3-supply not found
[0010.715] I> vpcie12v-supply not found
[0010.718] W> Failed to get nvidia,plat-gpios
[0010.723] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_preinit: (3):
[0010.727] I> Unpowergate
[0010.729] I> tegrabl_car_clk_disable(3) ...
[0010.733] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(CORE, 3) ...
[0010.737] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(APB, 3) ...
[0010.741] I> tegrabl_car_clk_enable(3) ...
[0010.745] I> tegrabl_car_rst_clear(APB, 3) ...
[0010.750] I> tegrabl_set_ctrl_state(3)
[0010.753] I> CLR PCIE_APB:6
[0010.756] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_init: (3):
[0010.759] I> APPL initialization ...
[0010.763] I> poweron phys
[0010.766] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14140000
[0010.772] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: controller 3 not available
[0010.777] E> Failed to power on phy on controller-3
[0010.782] I> PCIe (3) Link is not UP
[0010.786] W> Failed tegrabl_pcie_soc_init(), error=0x1
[0010.790] I> Failed to initialize SoC Host PCIe controller
[0010.796] E> tegrabl_nvme_init: Failed tegrabl_pcie_init(3); error=0x1
[0010.802] W> tegrabl_nvme_bdev_open: Failed NVME INIT; error=0x80800601
[0010.809] W> Failed to open NVME-3, err = 80800601
[0010.813] W> Failed to initialize device 10-3
[0010.817] E> NVME (3) boot failed, err: 0x80800601
[0010.822] I> ########## NVME (4) boot ##########
[0010.827] I> Initializing nvme device instance 4
[0010.831] I> Initializing nvme controller
[0010.835] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14160000
[0010.841] I> vpcie3v3-supply not found
[0010.845] I> vpcie12v-supply not found
[0010.848] W> Failed to get nvidia,plat-gpios
[0010.853] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_preinit: (4):
[0010.857] I> Unpowergate
[0010.859] I> tegrabl_car_clk_disable(4) ...
[0010.863] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(CORE, 4) ...
[0010.867] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(APB, 4) ...
[0010.871] I> tegrabl_car_clk_enable(4) ...
[0010.875] I> tegrabl_car_rst_clear(APB, 4) ...
[0010.880] I> tegrabl_set_ctrl_state(4)
[0010.883] I> CLR PCIE_APB:6
[0010.886] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_init: (4):
[0010.889] I> APPL initialization ...
[0010.893] I> poweron phys
[0010.896] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x14160000
[0010.902] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3f40000
[0011.009] I> PCIe controller-4 link is up
[0011.009] I> tegra_pcie_info[4].cfg0_base = 0x36000000
[0011.010] I> tegra_pcie_info[4].cfg1_base = 0x36020000
[0011.010] I> tegra_pcie_info[4].atu_dma_base = 0x36040000
[0011.011] I> tegra_pcie_bus[4].mem = 0x36200000
[0011.011] I> Scanning busnr: 0 devfn: 0
[0011.011] I> PCIe IDs: 0x1ad110de
[0011.014] I> PCIe RID_CC: 0x60400a1
[0011.018] I> Scanning busnr: 1 devfn: 0
[0011.021] I> PCIe IDs: 0xc82210ec
[0011.024] I> PCIe RID_CC: 0x2800000
[0011.028] I> PCI Config: I/O=0x36100000, Memory=0x36200000
[0011.033] I> IO bar_num=0 bar=0x36100000
[0011.037] I> MEM64 bar_num=2 bar=0x36200000
[0011.041] I> Number of PCIe devices detected: 2
[0011.045] E> tegrabl_nvme_init: Failed tegrabl_pcie_get_dev(4); error=0x0
[0011.052] I> PCIe (4) link is UP
[0011.065] W> tegrabl_nvme_bdev_open: Failed NVME INIT; error=0x80800612
[0011.066] W> Failed to open NVME-4, err = 80800612
[0011.066] W> Failed to initialize device 10-4
[0011.070] E> NVME (4) boot failed, err: 0x80800612
[0011.075] I> ########## NVME (5) boot ##########
[0011.079] I> Initializing nvme device instance 5
[0011.084] I> Initializing nvme controller
[0011.088] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x141a0000
[0011.094] I> vpcie3v3-supply not found
[0011.098] I> vpcie12v-supply not found
[0011.101] W> Failed to get nvidia,plat-gpios
[0011.105] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_preinit: (5):
[0011.109] I> Unpowergate
[0011.112] I> tegrabl_car_clk_disable(5) ...
[0011.116] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(CORE, 5) ...
[0011.120] I> tegrabl_car_rst_set(APB, 5) ...
[0011.124] I> tegrabl_car_clk_enable(5) ...
[0011.128] I> tegrabl_car_rst_clear(APB, 5) ...
[0011.132] I> tegrabl_set_ctrl_state(5)
[0011.136] I> CLR PCIE_APB:6
[0011.139] I> tegrabl_pcie_soc_init: (5):
[0011.142] I> APPL initialization ...
[0011.146] I> poweron phys
[0011.149] I> tegrabl_locate_pcie_ctrl_in_dt: found match at 0x141a0000
[0011.155] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3eb0000
[0011.160] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3ec0000
[0011.165] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3ed0000
[0011.171] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3ee0000
[0011.176] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3ef0000
[0011.181] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3f00000
[0011.187] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3f10000
[0011.192] I> tegrabl_power_on_phy: power on phy @0x3f20000
[0012.297] C> Failed to link up controller-5
[0012.298] I> PCIe (5) Link is not UP
[0012.298] W> Failed tegrabl_pcie_soc_init(), error=0x12
[0012.299] I> Failed to initialize SoC Host PCIe controller
[0012.299] E> tegrabl_nvme_init: Failed tegrabl_pcie_init(5); error=0x12
[0012.300] W> tegrabl_nvme_bdev_open: Failed NVME INIT; error=0x80800612
[0012.303] W> Failed to open NVME-5, err = 80800612
[0012.308] W> Failed to initialize device 10-5
[0012.312] E> NVME (5) boot failed, err: 0x80800612
[0012.317] I> ########## Fixed storage boot ##########
[0012.321] I> Loading kernel-bootctrl from partition
[0012.326] E> Cannot find partition kernel-bootctrl
[0012.331] E> Cannot open partition kernel-bootctrl
[0012.335] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: failed to read primary bootctrl data
[0012.343] I> Loading kernel-bootctrl_b from partition
[0012.347] E> Cannot find partition kernel-bootctrl_b
[0012.352] E> Cannot open partition kernel-bootctrl_b
[0012.357] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: failed to read recovery bootctrl data
[0012.364] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: use default dummy boot control data
[0012.371] E> Blockdev open: exit error
[0012.394] I> Kernel EP: 0x0, DTB: 0x90000000
[0012.396] -----------------------------------------------
[0012.398] Synchronous Exception: UNKNOWN EXCEPTION
[0012.399] -----------------------------------------------
[0012.402] ESR 0x2000000: ec 0x0, il 0x1, iss 0x0
[0012.403] -----------------------------------------------
[0012.406]  [Stack Trace]
[0012.410] => pc:0x00000000, sp:0xA0EAE530
[0012.413] => pc:0xA060F7E4, sp:0xA0EAE760
[0012.417] => pc:0xA060F7F8, sp:0xA0EAE7B0
[0012.421] => pc:0xA060F5E0, sp:0xA0EAE7E0
[0012.425] => pc:0xA060EB54, sp:0xA0EAE7F0
[0012.429] => pc:0xA060EB28, sp:0xA0EAE800
[0012.433] -----------------------------------------------
[0012.438] iframe 0xa0eae440:
[0012.441] x0  0x        90000000 x1  0x               0 x2  0x               0 x3  0x               0
[0012.450] x4  0x               0 x5  0x              20 x6  0x         b200123 x7  0x        ffffffc0
[0012.459] x8  0x               0 x9  0xffffffffffffffff x10 0x               6 x11 0x               2
[0012.468] x12 0x               1 x13 0x              40 x14 0x               1 x15 0x             2c0
[0012.477] x16 0x               9 x17 0x               1 x18 0x               0 x19 0x               0
[0012.486] x20 0x               0 x21 0x               0 x22 0x               0 x23 0x               0
[0012.495] x24 0x               0 x25 0x               0 x26 0x               0 x27 0x               0
[0012.504] x28 0x               0 x29 0x        a0eae760 lr  0x        a060f798 sp  0x        a0eae530
[0012.513] elr 0x               0
[0012.517] spsr 0x        400003c9
[0012.520] -----------------------------------------------
[0012.525] panic (caller 0xa0601238): die
[0012.529] HALT: spinning forever...

Hi root50643,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?
SD or eMMC module?

It seems you use them wrong.
Please note that JP4.x and JP5.x are different Jetpack release with different partition layout.
There’s QSPI in the module to store the partitions for boot-chain.
You have to make sure that the bootchain in QSPI is from the same Jetpack as the one installed in SD card.

As a result, please just reflash the board to get it work.