Profiling Applications running on Jetson Nano


My aim is to profile an application located and running on the Nano from an x86/64 host.
The official NSight documentations (that are part of the jetson 4.2 release) are outdated, and are referring to the previous iteration of the profiler (Nvidia System Profiler).
I tried to follow this [url][/url] guide, but even though the remote application was launched, no profiling information is seen at all on the eclipse profiler.

So my questions are:

  1. Is the Nano capable of such profiling?
  2. If so, is such profiling is done through NSight?
  3. Are there any official docs/guide to do this?



Profiler need to be executed with root authority.
Could you try to access the device with root again?

Document of Nsight can be found here:



I am using root user for the target, it still does not work. (just to be sure, i also tried with root on the host pc, I don’t see any difference)

I tried to follow the steps on the above guide with no success.

To be sure we are on the same page:

  • I am trying to profile an application running on the Nano. I have the sources on the target, but currently I’m leaving them there. Are they required to be on host before i start?
  • As a sanity check, i am trying to “profile” a basic script the prints numbers to stdout. After I am requested to login, I see this is working (see [url][/url]), but no profiling is actually done. in addition, the analysis at the end is empty (see [url][/url]). what am I missing here?



Sorry for the missing. I didn’t notice that you are using Nsight System.

There are two Nsight tools for Jetson: Nsight EE and Nsight System.
Nsight EE focuses on GPU profiling while Nsight System is for CPU and system.

It looks like you follow Nsight EE tutorial to launch Nsight System.
Would you mind to check our Nsight system tutorial first:
[url]Nsight Systems Documentation



I do not have Nsight Systems, but simply - Nsight ([url][/url]), that is part of the Jetpack 4.2 which is recommended to be used for profiling here - [url][/url].

Is this a mistake? should i use the Nsight Systems which is meant for linux workstation/servers?

Even so, i tried to go through the documentation you linked to, but i cannot find any of the menus on my Nsight version.



Both Nsight EE and Nsight System supports Jetson profiling.

The difference is that Nsight EE targets for CUDA kernel while Nsight System provide CPU/system information.
So you can choose one based on your targets.

Nsight EE can be launched by $ nsight.
Nsight System can be downloaded here: [url][/url]
