I am a c++ programmer in Korea.
I have a question about a problem that the graphics card supports the Direct X.
Do Quadro NVS 295 model supports DirectX 10.1 (is not 10) ?
According to the above it is that the support page.
List of Nvidia graphics processing units - Wikipedia
This page can be found that it does not support.
Which is true? DirectX 10 or 10.1?
And i use this directx function
HRESULT WINAPI D3D10CreateDevice1(In_opt IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter,
D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType,
HMODULE Software,
UINT Flags,
D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 HardwareLevel,
UINT SDKVersion,
Out_opt ID3D10Device1 **ppDevice);
in d3d10_1.h
but function failed. Error code 0x8004002 (No such interface supported)
if NVS 295 support 10.1
Why this function failed?
“DirectX Support” entry is at 10.0 by GPU-Z programs.
And “DDI Version” is 10 by dxdiag.
Driver Version is 341.81 and BIOS Version
I think that it does not support directX 10.1.
Please let me know if you have additional BIOS and patch files.
I wait for the detailed answer.