I have scoured the forums and i cannot find a proper tutorial to re-flash my nano. Can i get some guidance on this? i had flashed my orin nano using the microssd-etcher method the first time. Is there a way i can re-flash using the sdk manager this time round?
You can easily Google to find it:
Incidentally, L4T is what gets flashed (it’s Ubuntu plus NVIDIA drivers), and JetPack/SDK Manager is what performs the flash (at least that is the GUI front end). The listing of L4T releases is here (and leads to the same content as picking a JetPack/SDKM release…they are tied together):
Those URLs include documentation for the specific release. You’d want the most recent L4T release for an Orin Nano.
Added note: The SD card only contains the rootfs. Jetsons don’t have a BIOS, and the equivalent function is flashed to the QSPI memory of the module itself. It is a good idea to flash the Jetson itself at least once after getting it. The SD card itself is often not enough on a new unit due to release differences between older and newer QSPI content.
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