Unable to Flash Orin Nano Super with SD Card


I just received my Jetson Orin Nano Super. When attempting to install either Jetpack version 5.x or 6.x from the support page 🚀 Initial Setup Guide - NVIDIA Jetson AI Lab, I am unable to flash the jetpack version. I’ve tried multiple versions of Belena Etcher to flash both versions of the Jetpack software across 4 different Micro SD cards - 2 Samsung and 2 SanDisk cards, of various capacities. Once I select the Boot from SD in the Boot Manager options, the screen will flash to the next stage of the load process and the Nano will power down. I still have a green LED on the carrier board, but the fan stops spinning and my display enters power save mode. I have left the Nano in this state for several minutes, and nothing changes. The Nano seems to stop completely.

There are no error messages displayed or any other indicators.

The specific firmware / Jetpack files I have tested with are JP61-rev1-orin-nano-sd-card-image and JP513-orin-nano-sd-card-image_b29. I tried v5.x first as the firmware on the Nano super was reported from 2023.

Any suggestions on how I might resolve this?

Thank you

Hi bpar,

Our recommended approach is using sdk manager. And the host pc requirement is ubuntu 20.04 running on the physical machine not a virtual machine (e.g. VMware, WSL, VirtualBox).

Please try this approach instead.
