Hi all,
I am using nv_tegra_release to read the version installed in my L4T, following How do I know what version of L4T my Jetson TK1 is running? - Jetson TK1 - NVIDIA Developer Forums
I see from Jetpack 4.2.1 this file doesn’t exist or is not in “/etc” folder. Where can I find the version from this Jetpack?
Best regards,
Hi Raffaello, moving forward, its recommended to read the version using dpkg from nvidia-l4t-core package.
For reference, see this script which can handle it both ways:
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HI Dustin!
Thank you! I will use soon to update my jetson_stats!
Hi Dustin!
Thx, I fixed my file GitHub - rbonghi/jetson_stats: 📊 Simple package for monitoring and control your NVIDIA Jetson [Xavier NX, Nano, AGX Xavier, TX1, TX2] project
And I suggest to fix in your code with these lines. You can read all numbers JETSON_L4T_REVISION:
# Read version
JETSON_L4T_STRING=$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show nvidia-l4t-core)
# extract version
JETSON_L4T_ARRAY=$(echo $JETSON_L4T_STRING | cut -f 1 -d '-')
# Load release and revision
JETSON_L4T_RELEASE=$(echo $JETSON_L4T_ARRAY | cut -f 1 -d '.')