Recomanded ethernet phy for AGX Orin

Hi, is there a list of recomanded PHY for the AGX Orin ?
I would like to use the RGMII but there is no information about it on the site or the web.

if some one used a PHY that worked it would help

  1. Please refer to Orin Support Component List in DLC.
  2. For other components, please work with NV ecosystem partners: Jetson Ecosystem | NVIDIA Developer
  3. For solutions other than in Support Component List and ecosystem partners, customers should work with the vendor directly.

Dear Trumany, there are no supported PHY on the list in DLC.
also i am designing the carrier by myself and thats why i would like to understand what PHY would work with the AGX ORIN.
I dont want to use the MGBE , just the normal RGMII.
is there and microchip PHY that is known to work with the ORIN ?

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