Report a bug when using apply_action()

I meet a bug when using Isaac Sim version I installed it using pip.
I have a simple script to load the Franka robot into the scene and control the joint position, joint velocity and joint effort using the function apply_action under the Articulation class. The script worked fine when using CPU, However, when I changed to GPU mode, it output errors, especially when I specified the value of joint_velocities and joint_efforts.

Here is the code I use:

from isaacsim import SimulationApp
simulation_app = SimulationApp({"headless": True})

import torch
import numpy as np
from omni.isaac.core import World
from omni.isaac.franka import Franka
from omni.isaac.core.utils.types import ArticulationAction

def main():
    device = 'cuda'
    world = World(device='cuda', backend='torch')
    franka = world.scene.add(Franka(prim_path="/World/Fancy_Franka", name="fancy_franka"))
    while simulation_app.is_running():
        joint_positions = torch.tensor(np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=9)).to(device)
        joint_velocities = torch.tensor(np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=9)).to(device)
        joint_efforts = torch.tensor(np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=9)).to(device)
        action = ArticulationAction(joint_positions, joint_velocities, joint_efforts)

if __name__ == "__main__":

When I run the code, I get this error: TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first.

Potential Solution

In file isaacsim/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/controllers/

At line 75, change from if joint_velocities[0][i] is None or np.isnan(joint_velocities[0][i]): to if joint_velocities[0][i] is None or np.isnan(self._articulation_view._backend_utils.to_numpy(joint_velocities[0][i])):

At line 84, change from if joint_efforts[0][i] is None or np.isnan(joint_efforts[0][i]): to joint_efforts[0][i] is None or np.isnan(self._articulation_view._backend_utils.to_numpy(joint_efforts[0][i])):

After this, my problem was solved.
If this is not a bug, can anyone help me solve this properly?

Thank you for reporting this issue with the apply_action() function when using CUDA tensors in Isaac Sim version We appreciate your detailed description of the problem and the workaround you’ve discovered.

We have created an internal ticket to track this issue. Our development team will investigate the CUDA tensor compatibility problem in the file and work on a proper fix.

We’ll update the community once we have more information or a permanent solution. Thank you for your patience and for helping us improve Isaac Sim.

This is not a bug since the single prim classes like Articulation, RigidPrim, XformPrim…etc only supports numpy/ list inputs as indicated in the docstrings. If you want to use torch or warp with tensors on the gpu then the view classes should be the recommended approach here. Please let us know if this doesn’t resolve your issue yet.