Request for Assistance on Omniverse Action Graph for Machine Movement Simulation

Isaac Sim Version


Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a project that involves simulating the movement of a machine using data provided by the manufacturer, which includes “constant acceleration” and “maximum speed”. I am leveraging an Action Graph to trigger a Script Node that calculates the target position the machine needs to move to. This target position is then used by a Translate to Location node to move the machine accordingly.

However, I wish to adjust the machine’s speed dynamically during the movement so that it adheres to the constant acceleration and maximum speed provided by the manufacturer. My initial approach was to use an on playback tick node to continuously modify the speed value of the Translate to Location node, but this method does not seem to be effective.

Is there a better or more accurate way to achieve this? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!