[RESOLVED] Unable to install cmake4eclipse in Nsight


I am facing following error while installing cmake4eclipse in Nsight.

Unable to read repository at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/15knots/cmake4eclipse/master/releng/comp-update/content.xml.

sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Seems link is not active. Any other way to get this done and automate cmake process in nsight.



We are checking this issue with our internal core team.
Will update information with you once we got further feedback.


Hi AastaLLL,

Kindly let us know by when can we expect a solution for this issue.



This may be a network issue.
Could you try to start Nsight with this command:

nsight -vmargs -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true


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Worked for me.

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Hi don.weger,AastaLLL


Worked for me as well.


Could someone please explain where and how to give the above command?

In Nsight, Help → Install New Software → Add →
Name: cmake4eclipse
Location: jar:https://dl.bintray.com/15knots/p2-zip/cmake4eclipse-1.17.0.zip!/

Then check CMake and Next…


The file do not seem to accessible anymore. Anyone who can upload the cmake4eclipse zip file anywhere else?

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Same for me…

You can install it directly from Eclipse Marketplace now.
Alternatively it can be downloaded from Cloudsmith: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/15knots/p2-zip/raw/files/cmake4eclipse-2.1.4.zip

Marketplace not working for me.

I get the following error:

People are also discussing this issue under the official offer of eclipse marketplace, see cmake4eclipse | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace.

There are also discussion’s ongoing in the corresponding mailing list of cmake4eclipse. See for example https://groups.google.com/g/cmake4eclipse-users and https://groups.google.com/g/cmake4eclipse-users/c/_WFHiAmIzRU

I don’t have any idea at the moment how to install cmake4eclipse. Nothing works for me…

If I download the .zip-file, how should I install it through eclipse? Any idea?
Local direct link to the .zip doesn’t work for me, too.

Hi @mindthomas ,
I came across the same issue. As per your link I downloaded the cmake4eclips.zip file. But how should I go from here?
I tried giving the local link to the zip file in nsight–>help–> install new software but did not work.
Could you please help me with the steps to configure nsight with this .zip file?

Try this step but with the download path:

Hi @mindthomas,
Thanks for your reply!

I had already tried with both link you mentioned,

am getting error as follows:

Communication with repository at jar:https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/15knots/p2-zip/raw/files/cmake4eclipse-2.1.3.zip!/ failed.

when I tried with 2.1,4 version getting following error:
could not find jar:https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/15knots/p2-zip/raw/files/cmake4eclipse-2.1.4.zip!/

I tried with market place also but the same error mentioned by [Kerby2292] hit me.
(the following solutions are not available: cmake4eclipse
Proceed with installation anyway)

Any idea on how to proceed on this? totally stuck here…

Have you tried some of the manual install options using the downloaded ZIP file, i.e.: How to install plugin for Eclipse from .zip - Stack Overflow

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Sorry for the late reply. It worked!! thanks alot

Hello Kerby,

Did you solve this issue?
I am facing with same issue we suppose to they dont give any support to drive px2 anymore.

Best Regards


This issue still continue for us. We tried too many version of cmake but we failed.