SD Card Not Detected on Auvidea Jetson NX Xavier Board (JNX30D)

Hello there everyone,

I have looked up the forums but couldn’t find the solution that works for me. Because the carrier boards were not the same. Here is what the problem is.

I am using JNX30D carrier board from auvidea. I have followed their instructions on flashing the board. Here is what those instructions were:

How to install the auvidea kernel with the nvidia sdkmanager
This manual is written for the Jetson Xavier NX

  1. prepare the sdk
    -start the sdkmanager
    -select the Jetson Xavier NX mqodules as target Hardware
    -select Jetpack 4.6 as target operating system
    -start the installation until the sdk asks you for either use automatic or manual setup
    → at this point you can choose to “skip” the rest of the installation and continue with step 2 of this instructions
  2. copy the contents of the kernel_out folder in the auvidea packet to the nvida_sdk folder
    → cp ~/kernel_out/* /home/USER/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6_Linux_JETSON_XAVIER_NX_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra
  3. switch in the Xavier NX folder and apply binaries
    → cd /home/USER/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6_Linux_JETSON_XAVIER_NX_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra
    → sudo ./
  4. start the sdkmanger and follow the normal installation process

You can also use the following commands to flash the Xavier NX after Step 3:

cd /home/USER/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6_Linux_JETSON_XAVIER_NX_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/
sudo ./flash jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1

This helped me wake my jetson up. But after trying updates and such it didn’t detect the SD card in the slot. I have checked it with lsblk and it didn’t show up.

Here is the page for the carrier board:

I know I might have not provided enough information so please guide me on the subject.

Thanks :)

Is it correct that the SD card slot is mounted directly on the carrier board, and that the SD slot is not on the module? Also, when you say not detected, are you speaking of during boot, or are you speaking of after boot? I’m assuming you have an eMMC model on this third party carrier board. The location of the SD card slot changes things (only dev kits have the SD card on the module itself).

Thanks for the quick reply,

Yes the SD card is not on the module but the board itself. When I say not detected, I can’t see it after boot meaning df -h or lsblk commands don’t show me the extra 128 gb. And yes I am plugging an SD card to it’s SD card slot meaning it’s eMMC.

I’m just guessing, I don’t have an Auvidea carrier board, but there is a very high chance that you don’t have the right device tree. You mentioned that you’ve used their contents to copy to the NVIDIA version of flash software, which would be correct, but I think that something probably went wrong in the procedure.

Jetson modules have quite a few options on which pin provides which function, and third party layouts of carrier boards tend to change this. The device tree is what tells the kernel where to find those parts. In particular, the eMMC version is quite different than the flash software of the SD card version. If any part of the changes needed for that carrier board are not correct, then the parts which differ are not visible to the kernel. As noted above, the SD card slot itself is 100% different between the flash software NVIDIA provides for the Xavier NX (designed for a dev kit) and the Auvidea layout (not a dev kit, it has eMMC; SD card slot moves).

Mostly I think what you’ll see for this board on the forums is to consult Auvidea since NVIDIA does not control the device tree of third party boards. Can you check to see if or where the device tree was copied in to the flash software? This would be the part that makes the SD card fail to show up.

When you said “updates”, are you talking about using apt command to run upgrade?

If so, then by default it would mean you install the default jetpack again and that one does not know your carrier board. It just installed the software for NV devkit. Which means it could lead to your patching not exist anymore.

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