I have a Jetson Xavier NX module on Jetson Nano DevKit board. The first time I connected it using the USB to my computer (Ubuntu 20.04) the SDK manager recognized it immediately. I was able to install JetPack 5.0.2. But since the installation the Jetson fails to recognize the HDMI connection and I have not been able to connect it to a display. I want to re-flash the device but the SDK manager no longer recognizes it. How do I fix this?
Hi avinash.nargund,
I think there’s no option for Xavier NX module + Nano Devkit carrier board in SDK Manager.
We don’t support Xavier NX module on the Nano devkit, there are many functions like uphy(pcie/usb) may not work.
But this post says Xavier NX is usable with the Nano carrier board. Like I said the SDK manager detected the device before I flashed it with JetPack 5.1.
It could boot up success but there would be some peripherals not work, and we don’t support to fix them. Please get a Xavier NX carrier board would be a better option for you.
I think you misunderstood the point here. Your “SDK manager cannot detect your nx” issue could just be you didn’t put the board into recovery mode.
What Kevin tries to say here is even if you flash it correctly, there would be some I/O failure and we won’t fix that.
Umm, okay, let me switch out the carrier board and see if it works fine
In case you still didn’t get the point. Changing the carrier board is not the major point of your current issue. Your current issue seems to be you don’t know what is recovery mode.
What I want to say is, even if you change the carrier board, you still need to put it into recovery mode manually.
The reason you don’t need to do it in your previous setup could be your board was alive then so sdkmanager itself helped you put the board into RCM at that time. But if the board is not able to boot into OS now, you have to do it by yourself.
I do know what recovery mode is. I have used it before. When you connect the Jetson via the USB to the computer the SDK manager should detect it anyway right? Only when I choose manual setup the device should be in recovery mode correct?
SDK manager should detect it anyway right?
No, if the board is not in recovery mode or device mode, then the detection will not happen.
Let me explain it more clearly. Previously, your board was able to be “detected” by sdkmanager because it boots into linux and we have a usb device mode (otg) enabled. In such case, sdkmanager is like “ok I can see jetson as usb device, I will help you put the board into recovery mode and flash”
But now your board cannot boot into linux, so usb device mode no longer there. Sdkmanager cannot see it. You have to put board into recovery mode manuall this time.
I see. What is device mode? When the board is running normally?
Edit: my board can boot into linux just fine. Just the display isn’t working
I added some comments in previous one. Please check.
Sorry, edited my prev response
Just make it more easier to understand. Check “lsusb” command on your host PC. Are you able to see jetson or not?
If it is not there, then sdkmanager cannot detect it.
Anyway, I assumed you are using Xavier NX devkit. Please follow the devkit document here and use a jumper to short the REC pin on your carrier board.
Short the pin and then plug in the power cable. Check if host PC’s lsusb can see your jetson or not. If it can see it, then it should be in REC mode.
Also, in this REC mode. Your board shall just like a brick. No response or log shall print.
Okay got it. I don’t have the board with me right now. Let me check and update this thread. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks explaining the process to me :)
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