I’m joining the adventure of the Jetson products and i bought a Jetson AGX Xavier developer kit.
When i’m trying to install the OS via the sdk manager (1.4.0), i’m having troubles to flash it. I’m getting errors from flashing the os + all the target device: sdk’s.
I’m on VMWare running ubuntu 18.04 (from mac). I tried with virtualbox but got the famous 99% flash problem so that’s why i switched to vmware.
I’m putting the log files in case it’s needed.
I would love someone to help me out so that i can start my little projects :).
I’m now on ubuntu using no vm. I now have an error:
Finished Flashing 05
Determining the IP address of target…
nc: Address a1ready in use
JetPack is unable to determine the IP address of the Jetson Developer Kit
Failure to run bash command “timeout 180 nc .1 33338” because of error: exit status 1, nc: Address a1ready in use
P1ease se1ect which action do you want: