Spidev read failed on xavier devkit

I found some commands from TX2 SPI4

sudo devmem2 0x0243d040 w 0x400
sudo devmem2 0x0243d020 w 0x450
sudo devmem2 0x0243d058 w 0x400
sudo devmem2 0x0243d010 w 0x400
sudo devmem2 0x0243d050 w 0x400

I use these commands and I can get the signal on spi port, which means that the cfg pinmux doesn’t work. It is strange.
I do have changed the cfg file.
I can know the dtb file has been changed in /sys/firmware/devicetree/ path. And I can find the spi dev in /dev folder.
but the cfg file seems that it doesn’t work by devmem2 command.