SPI1 not work on Xavier

I enable the spi1 and add spidev device node in dts.

I can find the /dev/spidev0.0, but I can’t detect the signal with Logical Analysis.

So, I want to know that the SPI1 is spidev0.0, right ?

Yes, it’s spi0 = “/spi@3210000”
Did you use spidev_test?

yes, but i used the Logical Analysis to detect signal, it don’t work.

the 4-wire always low status.

By the way, the .config just need set the CONFIG_SPI_SPIDEV to y, right??

Hi ShaneCCC,

Did you get my question???

Please modify the pinmux for spi1 like spi2 does. file name: tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg

pinmux.0x0243d040 = 0x00000055; # spi1_sck_pz3: rsvd1, pull-down, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d020 = 0x00000055; # spi1_miso_pz4: rsvd1, pull-down, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d058 = 0x00000055; # spi1_mosi_pz5: rsvd1, pull-down, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d010 = 0x00000059; # spi1_cs0_pz6: rsvd1, pull-up, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d050 = 0x00000059; # spi1_cs1_pz7: rsvd1, pull-up, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable

pinmux.0x0c302048 = 0x00000400; # spi2_sck_pcc0: spi2, tristate-disable, input-disable, io_high_voltage-disable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0c302050 = 0x00000450; # spi2_miso_pcc1: spi2, tristate-enable, input-enable, io_high_voltage-disable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0c302028 = 0x00000400; # spi2_mosi_pcc2: spi2, tristate-disable, input-disable, io_high_voltage-disable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0c302038 = 0x00000400; # spi2_cs0_pcc3: spi2, tristate-disable, input-disable, io_high_voltage-disable, lpdr-disable

But the pinmux(SPI1) value is that you say.

I even don’t modify it.

I mean modify the SPI1 like SPI2.

pinmux.0x0243d040 = 0x00000400; # spi1_sck_pz3: rsvd1, pull-down, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d020 = 0x00000450; # spi1_miso_pz4: rsvd1, pull-down, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d058 = 0x00000400; # spi1_mosi_pz5: rsvd1, pull-down, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d010 = 0x00000400; # spi1_cs0_pz6: rsvd1, pull-up, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
pinmux.0x0243d050 = 0x00000400; # spi1_cs1_pz7: rsvd1, pull-up, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable

Hi ShaneCCC,

I modified it.

I connect the spi1_mosi and spi1_miso, and run the “spidev_test”.

The result still no data on RX.

How could I do anything to figure it out the root cause?

Thank you.

Could you read those reg by devmem2 to confirm the reg is set correct.

You are right!!!

why the pinmux didn’t work???

I just only modify the cfg file.

What did I lose something???

Am I building kernel wrong???

Hi ShaneCCC,

I want to say sorry. This is my bad.

I modify the cfg file that in the sources/hardware/XXXXX folder.

It’s not in the bootloader folder.

So, I modify the cfg file in bootloader, then it works!!!

Thank you!!!

If I use xavier as a slave device ,how to I change these values?

Modify the cfg file at …/Linux_for_tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg

And reflash the device by below command
sudo ./flash.sh -r jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1

If I used xavier as a spi master device,It’s useful.
but If I used xavier as a spi slave device, It doesn’t work.
I have two xavier for test.One is the master mode and the other is the slave mode.
I changed the tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg,And reflashed the device.
But slave device can’t work.So I want to know if the above value is applicable to slave mode device。


Have a reference to below.

I have try the cmd in my slave xavier follow this ,It’s no use.
sudo devmem2 0x0243d040 w 0x00000445;
sudo devmem2 0x0243d020 w 0x00000445;
sudo devmem2 0x0243d058 w 0x00000445;
sudo devmem2 0x0243d010 w 0x00000449;

In addition, I also tried setting one of the values to 449 and the other three to 445. I tried 4 times and it was useless.

could you tell me what means about these values ? how to I know,what value should I use.


Have a tr y to set the TRISTATE=1
0x000000000243d040: PADCTL_UART_SPI1_SCK_0 = 0x00000454 //
E_SCHMT = 0x00000000 // [12:12] DISABLE [DISABLE=0,ENABLE=1]
GPIO_SF_SEL = 0x00000001 // [10:10] SFIO [GPIO=0,SFIO=1]
E_LPDR = 0x00000000 // [08:08] DISABLE [DISABLE=0,ENABLE=1]
E_INPUT = 0x00000001 // [06:06] ENABLE [DISABLE=0,ENABLE=1]
PUPD = 0x00000001 // [03:02] PULL_DOWN
PM = 0x00000000 // [01:00] SPI1 [RSVD1=1,RSVD2=2,RSVD3=3,SPI1=0]

I tested this value and other possible values.It didn’t work too.
Once I run spidev_test on slave ,It enters the waiting state, even if I run spidev on the master, slave’s spidev_test still waiting. But I can measure the waveform on the connection line.
Could you provide me some other testing ideas?

I measured the clock and chip select signal on the connection line.
However, the slave device is always in a waiting state, and no data is sent out on the MISO.

How do you test the slave mode. Did you try the loopback mode?